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caBIG™ Security Technology Evaluation White Paper —
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caBIG™ Security Technology Evaluation White Paper

During the development of caGrid 0.5, it became clear that in order to meet the caBIG™ program goals of data sharing and interoperability on the grid, there was a need to develop a comprehensive grid security infrastructure for managing federated authentication and authorization in caBIG™.

Even though the actual security infrastructure would be developed by the caBIG™ Architecture Workspace during the development of caGrid 1.0, it was important that there be widespread participation and acceptance by the community of the security architecture.

The caBIG™ Architecture Workspace commissioned the development of the white paper to provide a comprehensive review of open source security tools, technologies and standards that could be potentially leveraged by caBIG.

The editors of the paper (Kenneth Lin and Gary Daemer) met with the caBIG™ community to obtain their security requirements and performed detailed technology evaluation for all the identified security components. The initial draft was first reviewed by the Security SIG under the caBIG™ Architecture Workspace and then by the entire caBIG™ Architecture Workspace. The modified draft (that included changes from the Architecture Workspace) was then posted on the caBIG™ web site for a public comment period by the caBIG™ community. At the end of the public comment period, the editors took all the comments and worked with NCICB to develop the final version of the paper.

Security Technology Evaluation White Paper  [01/23/2006]

Community Feedback

Community feedback on the earlier draft versions have been incorporated into the current version of the Security Technology Evaluation White Paper.

last modified 01-23-2007 10:01 PM