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National Institutes of Health

Grant Mechanisms and Funding Opportunities

Grant Mechanisms

NIMH assists individuals who wish to become mental health researchers by providing several types of grant support. These include: research grants (R series); career awards (K series); fellowships and training grants (F and T series); research program project and center grants (P series).

Research Grants (R)Research Career Development Grants (K)Small Business Grants (R)
Training-Individual Fellowships (F)Training-Institutional Fellowships (T)Program Project Grants/Center Grants (P)

Research Funding Opportunities

In order to solicit research in areas of high priority, NIMH issues a number of funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) each fiscal year. There are two types of FOAs: Program Announcements (PAs) and Request for Applications (RFAs). Click on the links below to view NIMH PAs and RFAs. Included in the text of the announcements are the relevant program officers, who can provide technical assistance with the application, and the grants management contacts, who can provide help with preparing your budget. These are listed in section VII of the specific PA or RFA announcements.

Program Announcements (PAs)

Request for Applications (RFAs)

For more information on these types of funding opportunities see NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.

Future Research Directions

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