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Virology Symposium - From Genetic Vehicles to Human Pathogens
May 12, 2008
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Virology Symposium

May 12th, 2008
Building 539 1st Floor Conference Room

2008 NCI-Frederick/Fort Detrick Spring Research Festival Symposium
Virology: From Genetic Vehicles to Human Pathogens

     The Center of Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Cancer Virology, in conjunction with the Center for Cancer Research, is supporting the 2008 NCI-Frederick Spring Research Festival Symposium, the focus of which will be “Virology: from Genetic Vehicles to Human Pathogens”. The goal of this one-day symposium is to highlight current research efforts on the NCI-Frederick and Fort Detrick campuses, and will include topics such as bacterial viruses, structural biology of viral proteins, virus-host interactions, viral pathogenesis, vaccine development and antiviral therapies. Postdoctoral fellows wishing to present their data in a 15-20 minute talk should register and provide a short abstract at the following registration page - no later than May 1, 2008. In addition, the Center for Cancer Research has graciously agreed to provide a $500 travel award for the most outstanding presentation.

     In addition to a series of short talks from postdoctoral fellows, Dr. Barry O’Keefe, Molecular Targets Discover Program, will give an opening talk entitled “Novel Antiviral Proteins from Natural Product Extracts - New Leads for Chemoprevention and Therapy” Please reserve the date and join us to learn about the major advances made by NCI-Frederick and Fort Detrick researchers.

General Information

For conference related questions please contact:
Julie Hartman

For Scientific Information/Questions please contact:
Dr. Stuart LeGrice
Dr. C.V. Dash

Building 539 1st Floor Conference Room

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