Participants in the "Ribosome and Their Role in Disease" meeting, sponsored by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, are encouraged to submit abstracts of their research activities. Submissions will be reviewed for content by the meeting organizers, and those chosen to participate in the poster session will be notified. Instructions for posters (size, etc.) will be given at the time of notification. In addition, a select number of participants will be chosen to give a short talk.

Please follow the instructions below to submit an abstract for consideration:
  • To submit your abstract, send it via email to Ms. Maria Smith at with, "Ribosomes and Their Role in Disease" in the subject line; attach your abstract as an MS Word document to the email, along with any comments, by July 24, 2008. Please indicate in your email if you prefer to present your work as a talk, poster, or both.

  • Include the title, all authors (presenting author should be clearly underlined), department affiliation, university, city, state/province, country, Zip Code/postal code. Please type the abstract title in bold font, Title Case Letters.

  • The abstract should include a statement of the problem, purpose, methods, results, next steps, and conclusions (sufficient experimental detail to assess the relevance of the work). Please acknowledge appropriate funding sources for your research.

  • Abstracts should be limited to one page.

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