wget - a great Unix tool


The wget program allows one to grab files across the internet just by providing a url. It comes from:



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wput would be the opposite of wget. Here's what I've found on this topic:

ftp: Our ftp archive requires the --passive-ftp flag on wget. For example,

wget ftp://ftp.ncifcrf.gov/pub/delila/ev.p
will hang, while
wget --passive-ftp ftp://ftp.ncifcrf.gov/pub/delila/ev.p
will work. To set this for all wget calls, you can put the command in several places. Here is information on this, in the form that can be used in your personal ~/.wgetrc file:

# .wgetrc control file
# 2005 Jun 15

# Google:
# wgetrc
# http://www.lns.cornell.edu/public/COMP/info/wget/wget_6.html

# Google:
# passive-ftp
# gives this explanation:
# http://slacksite.com/other/ftp.html
# Passive ftp is required to obtain ftp from the Delila directory:
# wget --passive-ftp  ftp://ftp.ncifcrf.gov/pub/delila/ev.p
# example:
# http://home.leo.org/~loescher/tipsdata/wgetrc
# passive_ftp = on/off
#    Set passive FTP, the same as `--passive-ftp'.

passive_ftp = on

Schneider Lab

origin: 1999 Oct 8
updated: 2005 Jun 15