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Agent Name Silica, amorphous
CAS Number 61790-53-2; 68895-54-9; 112926-00-8; 69012-64-2; 60676-86-0
Formula O2-Si
Major Category Mineral Dusts
Synonyms Diatomaceous earth, containing < 1% crystalline silica; Diatomaceous silica; Diatomite; Precipitated amorphous silica; Silica gel; Silicon dioxide (amorphous); [NIOSH]
Category Other Mineral Dusts
Description Transparent to gray, odorless powder. [Note: Amorphous silica is the non-crystalline form of SiO2.]; [NIOSH]
Sources/Uses Used as a filler in rubber products, paints, animal feeds, pesticides, insulation materials, and cosmetics; [Rom, p. 527]
Comments Silica, amorphous (7631-86-9) is "not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans." [IARC] Documentation and TLV withdrawn in 2006 because of insufficient data; [ACGIH] The main problem in assessing the risk of exposure to diatomaceous earth is its varying degree of contamination with crystalline silica. While the natural version usually contains about 1%, up to 60% may be present in flux-calcined amorphous silica. [Rom, p. 527]
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Not evaluated
Bioaccumulates Yes
PEL (OSHA)20 mppcf(diatomaceous earth uncalcined, precipitated silica and silica gel), 30 mg/m3/%SiO2+2, total dust, 10 mg/m3/%SiO2+2, respir. dust(silica fused)
MAK 4 mg/m3, inhal. fraction(diatomaceous earth uncalcined, precipitated silica, and silica gel), 0.3 mg/m3, respir. fraction(diatomaceous earth calcined, silica fume, and silica fused)
IDLH (NIOSH) 3000 mg/m3
Adverse Effects
Fibrogenic Yes
IARC Carcinogen Not Classifiable
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: AMORPHOUS SILICA  
Toxicity Information Search TOXNET
Chemical Information Search ChemIDplus
Related Information in Haz-Map
Diseases Occupational diseases associated with exposure to this agent:
Processes Industrial Processes with risk of exposure:

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Last updated: January, 2009