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Release Name: caGrid-1.0

                         Release Notes
                          Version 1.0
                       December 15, 2006 

1.0 caGrid Introduction
2.0 Release History
3.0 New Features and Updates
4.0 Bug fixes since last release
5.0 Known Issues/Defects
6.0 Bug Reports and Support
7.0 Documentation
8.0 References

                      1.0 caGrid Introduction

    This document contains the release notes for the caGrid 1.0

    caGrid 1.0 is a revolutionary release of the caGrid infrastructure.
    It is generally not compatible with caGrid 0.5.x releases, though
    conceptually, it plays the same role with increased stability,
    enhanced functionality, and scope. 

    This release of caGrid supports caBIG compatibility level gold.

                      2.0 Release History

caGrid 0.5 was released on 31st August 2005
caGrid 0.5.1 was released on 7th October 2005
caGrid 0.5.2 was released on 15th November 2005
caGrid 0.5.3 was released on 25th January 2006
caGrid 0.5.4 was released on 12th May 2006
caGrid 1.0 Beta was released on 17th July 2006

This is the first major production release of the caGrid 1.0 infrastructure.

                      3.0 New Features and Updates

Building the software:
	A graphical installer is provided which will install
	prerequisites and a source release of caGrid.
	Both the source release of caGrid, and the installer installed
	distribution must be built before any tools can be used.
	To build caGrid, type:
	ant clean all

	To find out other targets available, and type:
	ant -p

	To find out targets available in each project, cd to the project's
	directory (projects/*), and type:
	ant -p
	More information can be found on the Wiki:

	Introduce is the caGrid service creation toolkit.  It provides
	the capability to create both Analytical and Data services.
	Dorian is the caGrid identity federation solution.  It provides
	the capability to integrate with institutional identity management
	systems, as well as create a local user management solution.  It
	consists of both a service and client APIs and tools.
	The Dorian service was created with Introduce, and can also be edited/deployed
	via Introduce.

Authentication Service:
	The Authentication Service provides a framework for issuing SAML assertions
	for existing user identity providers such that they may be used to obtain
	grid credentials from Dorian.  It provides a uniform authentication
	interface on which applications can be built.
	The Autentication Service was created with Introduce, and can also be edited/deployed
	via Introduce.

	GTS is the caGrid trust management service.  The Grid Trust Service (GTS)
	is a WSRF compliant grid service framework for the creation, management,
	and provisioning of a federated grid trust fabric.  It consists of both
	a service and client APIs and tools.
	The GTS service was created with Introduce, and can also be edited/deployed
	via Introduce.
	SyncGTS is a mechanism used synchronize a Globus installation with
	the trust fabric maintained in a GTS deployment.  It consists of
	both a service (to dynamically synchronize a service container
	with the trust fabric) and client APIs and command line tools. 
	The SyncGTS service was created with Introduce, and can also be edited/deployed
	via Introduce.

Grid Grouper:
	Grid Grouper provides a group based authorization solution for the grid, 
	where grid services and applications enforce authorization policy based on
	membership to groups defined and managed at the grid level.  Grid Grouper is
	built on top of Grouper, an internet initiative focused on providing tools
	for group management.
	The Grid Grouper service was created with Introduce, and can also be edited/deployed
	via Introduce.

Authorization Module:
	The main responsibility of the Authorization (Authz) component is to provide
	an integration point between local authorization policy and grid-wide
	authorization policy. It provides a framework to integrate groups that have
	been defined in the Common Security Module (CSM) and Grid Grouper groups,
	enabling local administrators to extend access privileges to members of the
	caBIG community based on membership in Grid Grouper groups, rather than
	having to create local identities for each individual

Discovery API:
	The Discovery client API provides a high-level API to discover advertised
	services in the grid.  A command line client (which makes use of the API)
	is provided solely for demonstration purposes.

caDSR Service:
	The caDSR grid service provides grid service access to UML-like information in items
	registered in caDSR.  Additionally, it provides the ability to generate caGrid metadata
	instances for grid services.  Finally, it is integrated into Introduce to provide UML
	model browsing and type discovery.  It consists of both a service and client APIs and tools.
	The caDSR service was created with Introduce, and can also be edited/deployed
	via Introduce.

EVS Service:
	The EVS grid service provides access to data semantics and controlled
	terminology as managed by the NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Service
	The EVS service was created with Introduce, and can also be edited/deployed
	via Introduce.

	The Global Model Exchange (GME) grid service provides grid service access to the
	XML Schemas used by the caGrid infrastructure.  It is integrated into Introduce
	to provide XML Schema model browsing, upload, and type discovery.  It consists of
	both a service and client APIs and tools.

Index Service:
	The Globus Index Service is used as the grid service registry, white pages, and yellow pages.
	When caGrid services start up, they register their existence and metadata to the Index Service, 
	and the Discovery API allows clients to discovery services in the registry.  caGrid uses an
	unaltered version of the Globus Index Service, and provides convenience mechanisms to deploy it.
	The Globus clients can be used to query the Index Service directly.

caGrid Portal:
	The Monitoring and Discovery Portal is a web application providing an
	overview of the status all running grid services (Data, Analytical and Core)
	based on aggregated information (from the Index Service).

Federated Query Service:
	The caGrid Federated Query Infrastructure provides a mechanism to perform
	basic distributed aggregations and joins of queries over multiple data services.
	The Federated Query Service was created with Introduce, and can also be edited/deployed
	via Introduce.	

	The Workflow component is used to submit and run simple workflows that are
	written using BPEL. More details on how to deploy, submit workflows can be found
	in projects/workflow/README.
	The Workflow service was created with Introduce, and can also be edited/deployed
	via Introduce.

	The Indentifiers framework represents the initial effort for integration of
	the Handle system, aimed at providing grid-wide unique identifiers.

                      4.0 Bug fixes Since Last Release
Signigicant changes have been made since the caGrid 1.0 Beta codebase.
The following are the Known Issues from the Beta release, which 
have been addressed:

Advertisement Related
	When using tomcat, a service does not show up in the Index Service (or shows 
	up incorrectly - port 8443 with https).
	The installer automatically configures the settings described in the workaround.

Introduce Related
	If a type is removed from the types tab which is being used by the operations list or the
	metadata list the user will be able to save an unbuildable and incomplete service.
	The Introduce GUI prevents removal of such types.

caCORE Related
	[#988] caCORE 3.1 schemas Re: Support Wizard ticket #14235 Submitted by Scott Oster
	bug closed
	[#1063] Wrong URL in the cadsr xsd
	bug closed
	[#1280] UMLAssociationMetadata source and target UMLClassMetadata are always the same
	bug closes

caCORE Query Processor Related
	Associations placed in Groups of a CQL query are not processed by the Core Query Processor implementation.
	Default query processor now uses HQL, and does not have this limitation
                     5.0 Known Issues Not Yet Fixed

Update to date bug reports and feature requests can be found on the tracker section
of the project's gforge site:

Global Model Exchange Related
	GME Deployment does not allow for running GME on any other port besides 8080
	When the GME gets deployed the port which is written into the gme config file
	is always set to 8080.  This means that the GME, when it wants to talk with itself, will attempt
	to do so on the wrong port if the GME is actually running in a container which is on anything
	other than 8080.
	 Will cause an exception to be thrown back when tryin access the GME when it is on another port.
	After the GME is deployed go to the etc dir of the container for the GME and edit the config
	file to have the correct URL for the GME grid service once the container is restarted.

caCORE Related
	[#1277] caCORE schemas contain cyclic references
	GME will not accept XSDs with cycles, therefore XSDs with cycles cannot be uploaded.
	None, without editing the XSD/Model.
	[#1293] LazyInitializationException thrown, but correct data returned
	Minimal; makes it difficult to identify "real" exceptions in caDSR service.
	None (without editing caCORE source code).

Worflow Related
	Workflow service does not properly communicate with secure services.
	The code attempts to use the user's proxy; a code fix will be required post-release.
	Services using Secure Messaging/Conversation cannot be accessed by the Workflow service
	None, support will be provided as a fix in the incremental release.
	Services using WSRF Resource pattern cannot be accessed by the Workflow service
	Current version of ActiveBPEL, 2.1, does not support this yet.
	None, until ActiveBPEL supports (development under way)

                	6.0 Bug Reports and Support
	The preferred approach is to first search the user's email
	archives for your problem, then email your question to the
	list.  Bugs can also be entered on the gforge project page.
	User's listserv archive:
	Join listserv:

	GForge Project Page:
	Submit Bug:
                     	7.0 Documentation

	The release documentation can be found along with the downloads on the project's 
	gforge file section:

	The latest documentation, including individual project desgin documents,
	can be found in GForge:

                    	8.0 References
The following urls access web pages relevant to caGrid.

    caBIG Home Page
    NCICB Download Center




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