NIMH MEG Core Facility

National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland


MEG Analysis

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Task Programming

Most of the experiments conducted in the NIMH MEG lab are programmed in Presentation. Below you'll find some scripts and templates you can use to get started programming your own task.

  • MEG.pcl — This is a standard script that your PCL code should always include, via

include "C:/Windows/Desktop/Standard/MEG.pcl";

You don't need to download it, but it's included here so that you can see what standard routines are available.

These are basically templates that don't do anything, but which can be easily changed to do things. The PCL code reads a file that defaults to stim.txt, containing codes and ISIs. The codes can be used to index an array of stimuli, and are also sent to the MEG system when the stimulus is presented. You'd need to add lines like


or similar.

This is a simple, but complete, N-back working memory task.

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Page last modified on March 30, 2005, at 04:59 PM
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