Jacco A. de Zwart, Ph.D.

Contact Information

Jacco de Zwart
10 Center Dr.
Bldg. 10, Rm. B1D-726 - MSC 1065
Bethesda, MD 20892-1065
Tel.: +1 301 594 7315
Fax: +1 301 480 1981
E-mail: Jacco.deZwart at nih . gov

Previous Positions

  • 2000-2003, Visiting Fellow, National Institutes of Health, NINDS, Advanced MRI Section, LFMI
  • 1995-1996, Guest Researcher, National Institutes of Health, NCRR, In Vivo NMR Research Center


  • Ph.D.:
    • Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux II, Bordeaux, France, Biologie Santé (Medical Biology), February 2000
    • Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands, Geneeskunde (Medicine), May 2000
      • Based on a joint thesis agreement with Université Victor Segalen
    • Thesis entitled: "Fast magnetic resonance temperature imaging for control of localized hyperthermia in medicine." ISBN 90-393-2362-3
  • M.Sc.: Moleculaire Wetenschappen (Molecular Sciences), Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen (WAU), Wageningen, the Netherlands, July 1995
    • Masters' Theses:
      • "Fast MRI thermometry ", In Vivo NMR Research Center (NCRR, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA), July 1995
      • "Time resolved imaging microscopy in Wageningen", Department of Biochemistry (WAU), December 1994
      • "Diffusie en perfusiemetingen - PFG NMR & NMR imaging" (in Dutch), Department of Molecular Physics (WAU), January 1994


Book Chapters

  • CTW Moonen, JA de Zwart, FC Vimeux, J Palussière, N Grenier, P Voisin, A Vekris, P Canioni, P van Gelderen, J Pergrale, P Lelong, E Dumont, J van Vaals
    Towards real-time control of local hyperthermia based on fast MR temperature mapping.
    In: "Excerpta Medica International Congress Series 1192-R" (ISBN 0-444-50280-7) S. Naruse, H. Watari (eds.) 1999 277-284


  • CTW Moonen, R Salomir, F Vimeux, J de Zwart
    Ensemble de traitement thermique de tissus biologiques et procédé de mise en oevre de cet ensemble.
    Patent Number: 00962605.2-2305, France 2000

Grants Received

  • National Institutes of Health, NINDS competitive fellowship award
    Improved Functional MRI Using Multiple Surface Coils.
    Jan 1, 2002 - Aug 21, 2003
  • European Commission, Marie Curie TMR research grant ERBFMBICT961733
    Ultra Fast Non Invasive Imaging of Temperature for Application In Gene Therapy and Tumor Ablation.
    Apr 1, 1997 - Mar 31, 2000