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  Laboratory of Functional and Molecular Imaging
Publications in year 2003

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  • M. Klarhofer, B. Dilharreguy, P. van Gelderen, C.T. Moonen
    A PRESTO-SENSE sequence with alternating partial-Fourier encoding for rapid susceptibility-weighted 3D MRI time series, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 50: 830-838(2003)
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  • I. Aoki, T. Ebisu, C. Tanaka, K. Katsuta, A. Fujikawa, M. Umeda, M. Fukunaga, T. Takegami, E.M. Shapiro, S. Naruse
    Detection of the anoxic depolarization of focal ischemia using manganese-enhanced MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 50: 144-156(2003)
  • T. Hanakawa, I. Immisch, K. Toma, M.A. Dimyan, P. van Gelderen, M. Hallett
    Functional properties of brain areas associated with motor execution and imagery, Journal of Neurophysiology 89: 989-1002(2003)
    Abstract   PDF Full Text
  • A.C. Silva, H. Merkle
    Hardware considerations for functional magnetic resonance imaging, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A: Magnetic Resonance Engineering 16: 35-49(2003)
  • K.A. Hinds, J.M. Hill, E.M. Shapiro, M.O. Laukkanen, A.C. Silva, C.A. Combs, T.R. Varney, R.S. Balaban, A.P. Koretsky, D.E. Cynthia
    Highly efficient endosomal labeling of progenitor and stem cells with large magnetic particles allows magnetic resonance imaging of single cells, Blood 102: 144-156(2003)
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  • X. Zhang, X. Zhu, R. Tian, Y. Zhang, H. Merkle, W. Chen
    Measurement of arterial input function of 17O water tracer in rat carotid artery by using a region-defined (REDE) implanted vascular RF coil, MAGMA 16: 77-85(2003)
  • P. Kellman, P. van Gelderen, J.A. de Zwart, J.H. Duyn
    Method for Functional MRI Mapping of Non-Linear Response, NeuroImage 19: 144-156(2003)
    Abstract   PDF Full Text
  • C. Grabill, A.C. Silva, S.S. Smith, A.P. Koretsky, T.A. Rouault
    MRI detection of ferritin iron overload and associated neuronal pathology in iron regulatory protein-2 knockout mice, Brain Research 971: 144-156(2003)
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  • A. Borthakur, A.J. Wheaton, S.R. Charagundla, E.M. Shapiro, R.R. Regatte, S.V. Akella, J.B. Kneeland, R. Reddy
    Three-dimensional T1rho-weighted MRI at 1.5 Tesla, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 17: 144-156(2003)
  • J. Lancaster, T. Andrews, L. Hardies, S.J. Dodd, P. Fox
    Three-pool model of white matter, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 17: 1-10(2003)


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