Pictures of Tom Schneider

all pictures as a directory

Small Pictures

Feb 24, 1995



Big Pictures

NIH official photo. Photo by Bill Branson 11/95

NIH official photo cropped

The Lizard

Tom Schneider with Terran Engle and a lizard we caught. Note that the blue under the neck of the lizard matches my headband! Photo by Linda Engle in the Utah desert, summer 1997. (Warning: huge file: 7389788 bytes)

Tom Schneider with Terran Engle and a lizard we caught made black and white by taking only the red channel. (Warning: huge file: 4099500 bytes)

Small versions:

Other Pictures

The sketch was drawn by Nino Falanga

Schneider Lab
origin: 1997 August 16
updated: 2002 August 19