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News Releases and Statements

May 2, 2008 Studies Test New Approaches to Islet Transplantation
Oct. 11, 2007 NIAID Media Availability: Quick Technique to Identify Adenoviruses Can Improve Patient Care
April 23, 2007 Media Availability: New Virus Discovered After Three Organ Transplant Recipients in Australia Succumb to Infection
Sept. 27, 2006 Clinical Trial Shows Islet Transplantation Is a Promising Procedure for Certain Patients with Severe Type 1 Diabetes
March 22, 2001 Transplants of Sibling Stem Cells Show Promise for Immune Disorder
Sept. 6, 2000 International Team Accelerates Investigation of Immune-Related Genes
Oct. 6, 1999 NIAID Spearheads Collaborative Network for Clinical Research on Immune Tolerance
Dec. 4, 1998 Maternal Tissue Typing Could Improve Selection of Kidney Transplant Donors

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