NIMH MEG Core Facility

National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland


MEG Analysis

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« 3dFDR | Software | hilbertDs »


A set of MATLAB functions for reading CTF data files.

— Bug fix added 3/02/05 (readepochs.m was not reading multiple trial datasets properly - thanks YJ!).

Download and Installation

  1. Download ctf2matlab.tgz
  2. Unzip using the following command:

tar -xvzf ctf2matlab.tgz


The function ctf_read.m will read in user defined segments of data at the command line. Typing ctf2matlab at the Matlab command line will run a GUI. A GUI for reading CTF data into the EEGLAB ICA software is no longer included — the current release of EEGLAB has a built in version of this function.

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Page last modified on May 13, 2005, at 06:09 PM
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