NIMH MEG Core Facility

National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland


MEG Analysis

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Meg » AFNI


AFNI stands for Analysis of Functional NeuroImages. It's not a program, but rather a very large collection of programs (there is one called afni, it is the main display program) for doing statistical analyses of your MEG (or FMRI) data.

You can learn more about AFNI (and also get it, it's GPL) from the AFNI website.

Here, we're going to document a few tips and tricks for doing things to MEG data with AFNI. If you have a favorite that isn't listed here, please feel free to add it.

Note: some of these are on this page, some are on other pages.

Coordinate systems

AFNI does things by default in the RAI coordinate system. That's Right, Anterior, Inferior, and it means that the X axis runs from Right to Left (negative to positive), the Y axis goes from Anterior to Posterior, and the Z axis goes from Inferior to Superior.

CTF MEG data (actually, the MEG sensor locations) are stored in head coordinates derived from the positions of the three head-coils placed on the fiducial points: Nasion, Left preauricular and Right preauricular. The head coordinate system is, in AFNI nomenclature, PRI order. That is:

–X PosteriorAnterior +X
–Y RightLeft +Y
–Z InferiorSuperior +Z

This is a right-handed coordinate system: point your thumb forward, your index finger leftward, and middle finger upward; those are the positive X, Y, and Z axes.

When you run afni, you can either specify -orient PRI on the command line, or add the following line to your .afnirc file:


Head Coordinates

Given the three fiducial landmarks:

the saddle-point on the bridge of the nose
Left preauricular
a point about 1.5 cm anterior of the tragus, the little flap of skin covering the opening of the ear canal, on the left side
Right preauricular
same, on the right side

The head (PRI) coordinate system is defined as follows:

The origin is the midpoint of the line connecting the Left and Right preauricular points.
The +X axis runs from the origin through the Nasion.
The +Z axis is perpendicular to the plane defined by the three fiducials, and goes through the top of the head.
The +Y axis is perpendicular to the X and Z axes, and goes through the left side of the head.

Note that the Y axis does not necessarily go through the left and right fiducials.

AFNI Environment Variables

Some useful things you might like to put in your .afnirc file are:


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