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NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
July 24, 2007 • Volume 4 / Number 22 E-Mail This Document  |  View PDF Version  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe


70 Years of Excellence in Cancer Research

If Memory Serves...

The link between smoking and cancer was first noted in scientific literature in the 1930s, at a time when the smoking prevalence in the United States was rising, particularly among soldiers who received cigarette rations during World War I. The first large epidemiological study proving this link, however, wasn't published until 1950. (Read more 1)

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Russian Federation Holds First Meeting on Tobacco Control
NCI's Office of International Affairs 2 (OIA) participated in the first Russian Forum on Health or Tobacco in Moscow on May 28-29. The forum was sponsored by the State Duma of the Russian Federation and OIA and was the first of several meetings Russia hopes to hold in 2007 to address its growing tobacco burden. Russia has one of the highest prevalences of tobacco use in the world.

The idea for this conference came from Dr. Nikolay Gerasimenko, deputy chairman of the Health Care Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, who attended the 13th World Conference on Tobacco OR Health in Washington, DC, in 2006. NCI, through the American-Russian Cancer Alliance 3 (ARCA), and in partnership with the American Cancer Society (ACS), had hosted Dr. Gerasimenko's visit.

Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) conveyed greetings and praised NCI, ACS, and ARCA for their participation in the forum. The forum was followed by a number of related activities including a congress of Russian physicians against tobacco, conferences, and public campaigns devoted to World No Tobacco Day on May 31 in all regions of the Russian Federation.

The forum also issued what was termed the "Moscow Statement on Tobacco Control." In response to the forum, the Russian Anti-Tobacco League has been formed to serve as the combined voice of anti-tobacco forces in the Russian Federation. During the forum, the Duma gave tentative approval to legislation that would restrict smoking in restaurants and several other public places, and in July the foreign ministry announced that Russia will join the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 4.

The forum is likely to be repeated in 2009 and become a regular event in Russia. More information about the forum can be found at

NCI Develops Cancer Risk Prediction Resources Web Site
The Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch 5 in NCI's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences 6 has developed a new Cancer Risk Prediction Resources 7 Web site.

The Web site was designed for investigators developing, evaluating, and applying risk prediction models for cancer risk and susceptibility. It includes citations and links for all the risk prediction models published to date, categorized by cancer site. It also includes links to the 2004 NCI workshop on Cancer Risk Prediction Models, funding opportunities, other relevant publications, and Web sites related to risk prediction.

When used by scientific experts who understand the strengths and limitations of the various models available, risk prediction models provide an important approach to assessing risk and susceptibility by identifying individuals at high risk, facilitating the design and planning of intervention trials, and enabling the development of benefit-risk indices and estimates of population burden and cost of cancer.

Health Behavior Constructs Web Site Launched
NCI's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences 6 has developed an authoritative Web-based compilation of major theoretical constructs used in behavioral medicine research. This is the first resource to establish a common understanding of theoretical constructs intended to facilitate transdisciplinary collaboration. The open-access, dynamic site includes construct definitions, historical background, references, and state-of-the-art measures and can be accessed at

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