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@javajive Indonesian/Slovak for me. Hopefully we have time to go there for some holiday or something.
@javajive someday we should talk as fellow mix couple :) exchange experiences :) It would be fun.
pemerhati = observer ?
@nanashambles hmm ... interesting ... :) kudos to @javajive then :)
@nekoretro ask @iing . They have this in their website.
@aulia I was just going to comment on G30S movie when I remembered that you might have not gone to school in Indonesia. Did you ?
Just connected to 4 of my cousins in FB in only one week ! *weird* They all are getting older :)
@fajarjasmin masih bangun Pak ? atau *terbangun* ? kedengeran ya teriakannya anak-anak @jtug ?
Maybe I should start editing pasarmalem then.
@iiiccchhhaaa heh, nggak bisa tidur, malah aneh-aneh :)
@davegraham ah really. So follows should be always less than followers ?
@chibialfa yes ... scalability problem. They will weigh each member who wants to do it, case by case. kalo gak salah :)
@huda not the following part yet, probably in two days time. But I've read somewhere about the limitation.
So you can have more than 2000 followers but can't follow more than that.


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