At Boston, Massachusetts: as of 7:54 PM
2009 New England Blood Drive


A big round of thank yous is in order to everyone who made the 5th Annual NECN/American Red Cross "Celebrate the Gift of Life" Blood Drive such a huge success! We collected 2,167 pints of blood as of the most recent check, blowing past our goal of 2,009 pints. Thank you to the Red Cross workers and volunteers all over New England, and most of all, THANK YOU to the donors who made the day such a success.

We'll see you next year, but in the meantime, take a moment to look back at some of the great people we met at this year's event.


Here are some of the highlights of the 2009 New England Blood Drive!

We did it! Donna Morrissey delivers the good news - NECN and the American Red Cross have exceeded our goal of 2009 pints of blood. Inspired to give: Stacie Townsend of Norwood, Mass., gave blood for the first time today, in honor of her husband, who needs surgery. It's her way of giving back - as her husband receives the 'gift of life' from other donors.
Latoyia Edwards talks with one of the heroes of the day, Don, a donor and volunteer. The need is always great, but it is exceptionally acute for rare blood types. Donald Novack is type A-, and he has made a commitment to donate regularly.
By mid-afternoon, our numbers were climbing nicely. Massachusetts Red Cross CEO Guanah Davis caught up with Latoyia Edwards for an afternoon update. The drive couldn't happen without help from NECN friends and fans of all shows. Billy Costa of 'TV Diner' talks with Taranta restaurateur Jose Duarte and Cecilia Rait, owner of the Beacon Hill Hotel and Bistro.
It's always important to remember that the New England part of our New England Blood Drives. Marnie Maclean spent the day with donors in Saco, Maine. The drives wouldn't succeed without people like you getting out and donating. Matt talks to Bruce Moberg, who was inspired to donate after hearing about the drive on NECN.
While we collect blood all day today, New Hampshire lawmakers are considering making it possible for 16-year-olds to donate, with parental consent. Lauren Collins has more. Turns out your blood donation doesn't go all to one place. As Brian Burnell explains, what you give can actually help three people at once.
Matt talks with Dedham, Mass. fire chief James Driscoll about the critical need for blood he sees every day in emergency situations. It makes sense when you think about it! Pets need blood, too. Matt talks with 'Secret Life of Animals' host Vicki Croke and Brian Adams of the MSPCA.
Matt talks to B.C. senior Caroline Ogonowski, whose father John piloted American Flight 11 on 9-11, and Sean Fitzpatrick of the New England Organ Bank. Matt talks to NECN President Charles Kravetz about the NECN/Red Cross Blood Drive, and its importance to NECN's community service efforts.
Christie Coombs, whose husband Jeffrey died on 9-11 aboard American Airlines Flight 11, gives hours upon hours as a board member for American Red Cross Blood Services and a participant in the annual Day of Remembrance drive at Fenway Park. Dunkin' Donuts gives a little back to donors. Frank Basler, co-chair of the Northeast Chapter Dunkin Brands Community Foundation, discusses the 'Give a Pint, Get a Pound' promotion.
Paul Keeley knows first-hand about both sides of the donation process. He's a donor, and a laboratory worker for the Red Cross. When you look for a site where you can donate blood, you're talking to Red Cross workers like John Cassidy, who staff the lines every day at 1-800-GIVE-LIFE.
Matt Noyes interviews Guanah Davis, CEO of the Massachusetts Red Cross, about the difference this day can make for the organization. Every winter, she becomes a part of the NECN family as we prepare for this event. Matt talks to Donna Morrissey of the Red Cross.
Matt Noyes talks with Paul D'Arcangelo of Comcast, as we kicked off the New England Blood Drive at 6am! Matt Noyes and Latoyia Edwards look at what goes into preparing for a massive undertaking like the 2009 New England Blood Drive.
Anya Huneke profiles Rose Swift, who reflects on the transfusions that made her son's life better for 15 years, and now organizes drives throughout Vermont. Amy Sinclair introduces us to 6-year-old Hayley Desjardins, for whom transfusions are a critical part of her treatment for a rare blood disorder.


Want to learn more about the need for blood, and the importance of your gifts? Take a look back at some of these stories from the 2008 Blood Drive. NECN and the Red Cross give a hearty thanks to the more than 2600 people who donated blood during the event.

Leading up to the 2008 Blood Drive, Brian Burnell introduces us to just some of those your gift of life can help. Lauren Collins introduces us to Nicole, for whom blood donations are a key part of her battle with aplastic anemia.
Your blood is always in demand, but in winter, the need is even more critical, as Ally Donnelly explains. Want to know why blood donations are important? Ask a first responder like Dedham, Mass., police chief Michael Weir.
NECN Meteorologist Matt Noyes talks with John Shannon - who knows the importance on donating blood. That's why he has done it more than 300 times! Each year, we count on individuals and corporations to take part in the New England Blood Drive, and companies like Comcast are ready to meet the challenge. Lauren Collins (who donated for the first time last year) reports.

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