Last Update: 08/04/2006 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

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Campaign Publications and Materials

The Milk Matters campaign offers a number of free publications and materials about the importance of calcium for children and teens. Some of these items are geared toward parents, some toward children and teens, and some toward health care professionals. The items listed below are available for download or for order through this Web site.

If you have any questions about publications, or if you need to order quantities greater than the online order limits will allow, please contact the NICHD Information Resource Center at:

Phone: 1-800-370-2943
TTY: 1-888-320-6942
Fax: (866) 760-5947
Mail: P.O. Box 3006, Rockville, MD 20847

To view a publication online, select the "HTML" or "PDF" link to that publication.

To order publications, check the "Add to Order" box(es) of the items you want, then select the "Order Now" button at the bottom of the page. Note: Beginning in February 2009, the NICHD Information Resource Center will no longer fill international requests for materials. We encourage users outside the United States to view, download, and print desired materials from the NICHD Web site.

For Strong Bones...For Lifelong Health...Milk Matters!
For Strong Bones...For Lifelong Health...Milk Matters! Pages: 16.
Preferred Citation:
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, DHHS.: (2005).
For Strong Bones...For Lifelong Health...Milk Matters! (05-4521).
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Price: Free


This 16-page booklet is part of the NICHD Milk Matters campaign. It explains that young people ages 11 to 18 need calcium and physical activity to build strong bones that last a lifetime. The booklet also lists foods that contain calcium and describes ways to include more calcium in the diet each day. This booklet is also available through the WE CAN! program.

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