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Person Details

Superfund Basic Research Program

Linda Abriola

Tufts University
Civil and Environmental Engineering
105 Anderson Hall
Medford, MA 02155
Phone: 617-627-3237
Fax: 617-627-3819


Research Briefs


  • Abriola, Linda, Scott A. Bradford, John Lang, and Charles L. Gaither. 2004. Volatilization of Binary Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Mixtures in Unsaturated Porous Media. Vadose Zone Journal. ( Exit NIEHS Website 3:645-655.
  • Abriola, Linda. 2003. The long (LINEs) and the short (SINEs) of it: altered methylation as a precursor to toxicity. Toxicological Sciences. ( Exit NIEHS Website 65:229-235.
  • Park, Joonhong, Andrew Ramsburg, Linda Abriola, and James M. Tiedje. 2003. Biofilm-associated utilization of biphenyl on organo-coated sand by Burkholderia sp. LB400. In: Proceedings of the General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, May 23-27. New Orleans, LA.
  • Putthividhya, Aksara, Linda Abriola, and Jerome J. Kukor. 2003. Effects of Substrate Exposure History on the EPS Production fo TCE Degrading Toluene Oxidizing Bacteria. In: Proceedings of the 103rd General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, May 18-22. Washington, DC.
  • Park, Joonhong, Jerome J. Kukor, and Linda Abriola. 2002. Characterization of adaptive response to trichloroethylene-mediated stresses in Ralsonia pickettii PKO1. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. ( Exit NIEHS Website 68:5231-5240.
  • Bradford, Scott A. and Linda Abriola. 2001. Dissolution of residual tetrachloroethylene in fractional wettability porous media: Incorporation of interfacial area estimates. Water Resources Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website 37(5):1183-1195.
  • Park, Joonhong, Y-M Chen, Jerome J. Kukor, and Linda Abriola. 2001. Influence of substrate exposure history on biodegradation in a porous medium. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. ( 01697722) Exit NIEHS Website 51(3-4):233-256.
  • Park, Joonhong, Jerome J. Kukor, and Linda Abriola. 2001. TCE inducibility, cometabolism, and toxicity in Ralstonia pickettii PKO1 at high TCE concentrations. In: Proceedings of the American Society for Microbiology, 101st General Meeting. Orlando, FL.
  • Bradford, Scott A., Thomas J. Phelan, and Linda Abriola. 2000. Dissolution of residual tetrachloroethylene in fractional wettability porous media: Correlation development and application. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. ( 01697722) Exit NIEHS Website 45:35-61.
  • Bradford, Scott A., Thomas J. Phelan, and Linda Abriola. 2000. Dissolution of residual tetrachloroethylene in fractional wettability porous media: Correlation development and application. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. ( 01697722) Exit NIEHS Website 45(1-2):35-61.
  • Prak, D.JL, Linda Abriola, Walter J. Weber, K.A. Bocskay, and K.D. Pennell. 2000. Solubilization rates of n-alkanes in micellar solutions of nonionic surfactants. Environmental Science and Technology. ( Exit NIEHS Website 34:476-482.
  • Abriola, Linda, J. Park, Y-M Chen, and Jerome J. Kukor. 1999. Exploring the dependence of PKO1 degradative activity on substrate exposure history in porous media. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology, August 22-27. Vail, CO.
  • Abriola, Linda, K.D. Pennell, Walter J. Weber, J.R. Lang, and M.D. Wilkins. 1999. Persistence and interphase mass transfer of organic contaminants in the unsaturated zone: Experimental observations and mathematical modeling. In: Vadose Zone Hydrology; Cutting Across Disciplines. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. pp.210-234.
  • Bradford, Scott A., R.A. Vendlinski, and Linda Abriola. 1999. The entrapment and long-term dissolution of tetrachloroethylene in fractional wettability porous media. Water Resources Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website 35(10):2955-2964.
  • Park, J., S.L. Fathepure, Y-M Chen, Jerome J. Kukor, and Linda Abriola. 1999. Effects of substrate concentration history on expression of toluene degradative activities of Ralstonia pickettii PKO1 in a laboratory sand column. In: Proceedings of the 99th General American Society for Microbiology Meeting. Chicago, IL.
  • Abriola, Linda and Scott A. Bradford. 1998. Experimental Investigations of the Entrapment and Persistence of Organic Liquid Contaminants in the Subsurface Environment. Environmental Health Perspectives. 106(4):1083-1095.
  • Bradford, Scott A. and Linda Abriola. 1998. Entrapment and dissolution of organic liquids in chemically heterogeneous porous media. In: Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection, Proceedings of an International Conference of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. Tubingen, Germany. pp.pp.167-172.
  • Bradford, Scott A., Linda Abriola, and K.M. Rathfelder. 1998. Simulated entrapment and dissolution of organic liquids in chemically heterogeneous porous media. In: Enviromeet 98 - Behavior and Remediation of Nonaqueous Phase Contaminants in the Subsurface. University of California, Irvine, CA. pp.pp.7-16.
  • Abu-El-Sha'r, W. and Linda Abriola. 1997. Experimental assessment of gas transport mechanisms in natural porous media: Parameter evaluation. Water Resources Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website 4:505-515.
  • Bradford, Scott A., Linda Abriola, and F.J. Leij. 1997. Estimating wettability effects on two- and three-fluid relative permeability relations. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. ( 01697722) Exit NIEHS Website 28:171-191.
  • Bradford, Scott A., Linda Abriola, and Thomas J. Phelan. 1997. Dissolution of residual tetrachloroethylene in fractional wettability porous media. Agronomy Abstracts: Soil Science Society of America. 178.
  • Bradford, Scott A., Linda Abriola, and Thomas J. Phelan. 1997. The impact of fractional wettability and grain size distribution on the long-term dissolution of residual tetrachloroethylene. EOS: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 78:F331.
  • Bradford, Scott A., Linda Abriola, and R.A. Vendlinski. 1996. Entrapment and dissolution of tetrachloroethylene in fractional wettability porous media. EOS: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 77:F274-F275.
  • Gaither, Charles L. and Linda Abriola. 1996. An experimental investigation of the volatilization of binary NAPL mixtures in unsaturated porous media. In: Proceedings of the Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC)/Waste-management Education & Research Consortium Joint Conference on the Environment.
  • Bradford, Scott A., F.J. Leij, and Linda Abriola. 1995. Estimation of two- and three-fluid relative permeability relations for fractional wettability media. EOS: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 76:45.
  • Pennell, K.D., Stephen A. Boyd, and Linda Abriola. 1995. The surface area of soil organic matter reexamined. Soil Science Society of America Journal. ( Exit NIEHS Website 59:1012-1018.
  • Wilkins, M.D., Linda Abriola, and K.D. Pennell. 1995. An experimental investigation of rate-limited NAPL volatilization in unsaturated porous media: Steady state mass transfer. Water Resources Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website 31:2159-2172.
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