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Controlled Substances


This web site is to assist laboratory personnel with acquiring and maintaining Tax-Free Alcohol and DEA Controlled substances in their workplace at the NCI-Frederick.  Protective Services shall provide assistance to laboratory personnel on inventory control procedures, secure storage, and proper disposal in accordance with regulations of the Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Department of Justice.

Contact: Sharon Fritz   fritzs@mail.ncifcrf.gov  or call x1091 for further asistance

misc control substance


Q: What are Controlled Substances?

A:  Visit the Waste Management web site on Controlled Substance for more information

Q: How to obtain a logbook?

A: Send a memo to Protective services that states where the ethanol/substances will be located (bldg. and room #), who will be designated drug control officer, and the alternates.

Q. How do I get a logbook to order tax-free alcohol or DEA controlled substances?

A. Protective Services shall supply a tax-free alcohol logbook to the investigator.

Q: What is recorded inside a logbook?

A: The logbook will record such information as the person withdrawing the alcohol, the quantity dispensed, date, use of the alcohol, and the volume on hand.

Red  Blue Book


Q: How often will an audit be performed on my Tax-Free logbook?

A: Audits will be performed every year. The Protective Services Administrative Assistant will send a Tax-Free Ethanol Logbook Audit (PS-Form 005) to every investigator that is registered to use tax-free alcohol.

Q: How often will an audit be performed on my DEA controlled substance logbook?

A: Audits will be performed every six months. The Protective Services Administrative Assistant will send a DEA Controlled Substances Logbook Audit (PS-Form 004) to every NCI-Frederick laboratory that is registered to use controlled substances.

Note:   A second request letter will be sent to any laboratory that does not return a completed DEA Controlled Substance Form.  If after a third request the laboratory still does not respond, they are removed from the Controlled Substances Program.

Once all of these forms have been returned, the Protective Services Manager will contact each Drug Control Officer to schedule a time when their controlled substance logbook can be audited.

The Protective Services Manager and his designated assistant will enter the laboratory to ensure that the inventory total detailed on the DEA Controlled Substances Logbook Audit (PS-Form 004) matches with the actual inventory on hand.

The Protective Services Manager and his designate reserves the right to weigh any controlled substance whose amount does not appear to match the inventory recorded in the controlled substance logbook.

Q: What does an audit form look like?

A: Tax-Free Ethanol Logbook Audit (PS-Form 005) and DEA Controlled Substances Logbook Audit (PS-Form 004).

Q: How do I get rid of excess Tax-Free Alcohol or DEA controlled substances?

A: Contact EHS Waste Management x5718 chemwaste@ncifcrf.gov to secure arrangements for pick up of outdated or otherwise unusable alcohol and/or DEA controlled substances. At the time of disposal and confirming your balance of materials, signatures in your logbook are required from yourself and the present EHS Waste Management member.

Q: The laboratory next to mind does not have a logbook and needs a small amount of alcohol. Can they use my logbook number? Can I just give them some to use?

A: NO, the laboratory needs to acquire its own logbook.  Alcohol could be transferred from your lab to there’s, only it they have there own logbook.

Q: How do I change a name or add an alternative name to my logbook?

A: I simple memo addressed to Sharon Fritz Protective Services EHS that includes 1) logbook number issued to your area, and 2) names of the individuals to add or delete with the designation of responsibility as either a primary or alternate.

  National Cancer Institute (NCI)      National Institutes of Health (NIH)      Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)      USA.gov