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Population Sciences SIG Meeting Notes & Agenda

January 22, 2009 - Dr. Gibbons from Johns Hopkins University gave a presentation on Populomics. Rick Moser from DCCPS gave some background on the Grid Enabled Measures (GEMs) Database project and Paul Courtney elaborated on how the PopSci SIG would be collaborating with this project. Gene Kraus gave an update on the Enterprise Use Cases activity, and Riki Ohira gave an update on the CDE/Metadata and UML Modeling Working Groups. Paul Courtney ended the meeting by going through the planned activities for the coming year.

January 15, 2009 - Mike Collins gave a brief update on the CES-D project and Riki Ohira and Paul Courtney gave an update on the UML Modeling Working Group activities, one of which will be to develop a Best Practices document for modeling population surveys. Paul Courtney spent the majority of the meeting going through the planned future activities for PopSci and identifying participants to begin working on these projects.

December 18, 2008 - Paul Courtney went through the Action Items from the PopSci SIG Face to Face Meeting Notes and then spent most of the time going through the activities that came out of the meeting and assigning participants to begin working on those activities. The group also discussed outreach strategies including what conference would be idea to submit abstracts, and possible topics for abstracts to come out of this group, or even from individuals within this group.

October 23, 2008 - Majority of the meeting was spent discussing the upcoming Face to Face on November 19-21, 2008 in Denver, Colorado. The theme for the meeting is moving from a SIG to a workspace. There was also an update on the CDE/Metadata Working Group meeting, and lastly, the group agreed to extend the General call to 90 minutes, meeting 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET, beginning in January 2009.

October 16, 2008 - Updates on the CES-D and UML Model of Tobacco Data projects were given. Paul Courtney showed the UML models for the PopSci Grid NHIS and HINTS data as well as the PopSci Grid application website. Hua Min discussed the scenarios she has been creating for the PopSci SIG, and asked for other scenarios. The group gave a scenario of linking Medicare, Medicaid or HMO patient data to the SEER Registry, which led to a presentation by Lewis Frey on the Utah Registry project that he has been working on. It was commented that having the caBIG® infrastructure in place at the various cancer centers will reduce latency and increase quality of data, as well as enable more integration of data for better analyses.

September 25, 2008 - The participant task orders are now being sent out for signature and will be released soon. Paul Courtney has developed the Face-to-Face (F2F) agenda and requested feedback from the community for speakers and topics of interest. Paul will be giving a presentation to CBIIT Leadership on moving the PopSci SIG to a Workspace, and will report the outcomes of that meeting to the group. There are several factors for moving this forward, but most importantly we need to have all the key players involved at the same time and show the unique and critical role PopSci plays in cancer research/care. The participants will begin reviewing the meeting notes as an activity. The group discussed reconciling differences within a survey, Eg. CES-D having different text, scoring and timeframe. The issue of having “standard” surveys is something that needs to be discussed further (most likely at the F2F meeting). Finally, Hua Min asked the group to help define and develop use cases for how the PopSci data would need to be represented both for data entry and analysis.

September 18, 2008 - Mike Collins gave an update on the CES-D project whose goal was to define the process and timeline from creating a UML model to putting that information on the Grid. He has created the model and is preparing to submit the package to NCICB. Riki Ohira and Jessica Bondy gave a brief update on the new CDE project to create a UML model for NHIS and HINTS tobacco data in collaboration with the PopSci Grid project sponsored by DCCPS. Lastly, announcements were made about the next PopSci SIG Face-to-Face scheduled for November 20-21 in Denver, CO (hosted by the University of Colorado).

August 28, 2008 - Contracts are almost finalized. The PopSci Face-to-Face (F2F) is scheduled for the week of November 17th and will be held in either Colorado or Nevada. Paul Courtney presented on the population sciences perspective on the Enterprise Use Cases and asked for input from the group. There will be an additional Enterprise Use Case meeting next week.

August 21, 2008 - Mike Collins will give an update about the CES-D mini-project at next week’s PopSci General call. Larry Hebel from ScenPro who is on the caDSR team attended the meeting and provided information about the caDSR capabilities. The group discussed the needs for PopSci data and possible solutions for getting PopSci data into the caDSR.

July 24, 2008 - The group decided that it would be best to have the PopSci Face-to-Face (F2F) after the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) meeting. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for the week of November 17th. Paul Courtney announced that since the meeting will not be coordinated with the DCCPS meeting, the location was open to anyone interested in hosting. The group also thought it would be good to have a position statement for the DCCPS meeting, as well as having a debrief of the DCCPS meeting at the F2F. The PopSci SIG will be going forward to move from a SIG to a Workspace. Paul Courtney and Sarah Greene will look at the Vision and Mission statements before sending them out to the group. Sarah Greene gave a DSIC WS update and Mike Collins and Jessica Bondy gave CDE/Metadata Working Group updates.

July 17, 2008 - The group gave feedback about the caBIG™ Annual Meeting commenting on the great presentation Noshir Contractor gave and discussing how to leverage his presentation to gain interest in caBIG™ from the PopSci Community. Jessica Bondy and Mary Cooper discussed two issues they have with the NHIS CDEs. The group decided that keywords describing the overall assessment criteria, ie. Physical Functioning would be more useful than using the specific activities (climbing, walking) asked to assess “Physical Functioning.” They also agreed that representing the data would be more valuable at this time, than representing the question (for a form rendering tool). Lastly, Mike Collins agreed to coordinate the CES-D project, which will take a short and simple survey (CES-D) from start (curating the questions) to finish (extracting existing data) in order to determine the steps involved, which will be documented.

June 19, 2008 - The group was reminded about the caBIG™ Annual Meeting and the PopSci Luncheon next week. Paul Courtney commented on the CDE-related projects and called for participation. The projects include PopSci ontologies and terminologies, psychometrics, NHIS forms level metadata (and UML models as an alternative to manual curation), and health literacy and education. Jessica Bondy brought up an issue of “missing value reasons” and asked the group for their thoughts. The group agreed that it would be best to separate the answers into two CDEs (separating the “missing value reasons” from the “true” answers). Lastly, Paul Courtney mentioned having the PopSci Face-to-Face in October coordinated with the DCCPS meeting.

May 22, 2008 - Sandhya Xirasagar from Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics (DCEG) demonstrated the Environment and Genetics in Lung cancer Etiology (EAGLE) application. Paul Courtney gave a status of the paid participants subcontracts and presented the areas/groups of interest for this year’s focus for the PopSci SIG.

May 15, 2008 - CDE/Metadata Working Group - Paul Courtney went over the agenda, highlighting the Matrix of Domains and Tools document as well as a project out of DCCPS using NHIS and HINTS surveys to put data on the Grid. There was also mention that the paid participants will be contacted in the coming week to discuss specific task assignments.

April 24, 2008 - Paul Courtney opened the meeting with a announcement that the funding for paid participants has been approved and the Statements of Work will be going out as soon as possible. Paul Courtney gave a presentation about SME projects, and there were updates from the DSIC WS, CDE WG, FormBuilder, and software development projects.

April 17, 2008 - Paul Courtney spoke about his meetings with DCCPS (Brad Hesse) to get a better idea of what they are doing, and how this SIG can collaborate on meaningful projects. Paul outlined the project areas and the group discussed additional areas of project collaboration/contribution. Dianne Reeves spoke briefly about their current efforts in getting population sciences related tools into the caDSR for clinical trial activities. Lastly, Rebecca Hills brought up the idea of concept mapping as a means to represent the needs of population sciences and the PopSci SIG.

April 3, 2008 - Paul Courtney went through the four main project areas the PopSci SIG would be focusing on in the next year. Collaboration with DCCPS was discussed. Paul Courtney and Jessica Bondy will meet with DCCPS to learn about the status of DCCPS and possible collaborations.

March 20, 2008 - The meeting began with an introduction of Paul Courtney as the new Booz Allen Hamilton Population Sciences (Pop. Sci.) SIG Lead, after which Paul informed the group about the letters of intent that are soon to be sent to all cancer centers awaiting their EY2 Workgroup Participation Contracts. A brief note was then made about EY2 software project planning, and its contingency on the SAIC contract end, after which Jessica Bondy led a discussion of high priority instruments / surveys for curation. The highlights of this discussion were the announcement that Jessica Bondy and Mary Cooper will be working to move 47 CDEs to release, and that the CDE Working Groups could be restructured with the effects of tobacco use being a focal point. Tom Milke then provided an update of the work Denise Warzel and Steve Aldrich have been doing. Near meeting close, Paul Courtney announced that the next Pop. Sci. Face-to-Face (F2F) Meeting will be held during Fall 2008, and that he will be sending out an e-mail to collect date preferences shortly.

March 14, 2008 - Meeting was cancelled. Also 2nd Thursday SIG meetings were stopped as of March 2008.

February 28, 2008 - Paul Courtney gave an updated presentation of the 2008 Strategic Vision for the PopSci SIG as the continuation of the February 7, 2008 meeting. The group discussed the slides and gave suggestions for improvement.

February 21, 2008 - Mike Collins gave an update on the progress with FormBuilder regarding their input on requirements and designs. Paul Courtney presented the proposed PopSci projects related to metadata and implementation of surveys using CDEs. Lastly, Jessica Bondy reviewed the status of the NHIS curation work and asked for volunteers to help her and Mary Cooper finish the curation of the selected NHIS CDEs.

February 7, 2008 - Paul Courtney gave a presentation of the 2008 Strategic Vision for the PopSci SIG. The group discussed the slides and gave suggestions for improvement. The remainder of the presentation will be given at the next General call.

February 14, 2008 - Meeting was cancelled. Also, 1st Thursday SIG meetings were cancelled as of February 2008.

January 24, 2008 - The meeting began with a presentation by David Steffen on the Inter-SPORE Prostate Biomarkers Study (IPBS) and the possible collaboration with this SIG and possibly the EAGLE project. Paul Courtney and Sarah Greene gave an update from the Data Sharing and Intellectual Capital (DSIC) Face-to-Face (F2F) and Paul briefly spoke about the upcoming Cross-Cutting Workspaces F2F next week. Mike Collins and Tom Milke gave an update on FormBuilder and then Paul went through the project proposals for the PopSci SIG.

January 17, 2008 - CDE/Metadata Working Group Meeting - Jessica Bondy introduced herself as the new CDE/Metadata Working Group Lead, and gave a brief overview of where the group was at the last meeting, and the future focus for the group going forward. There was an update on the status of the 2005 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) CDE curation, and discussions about the work entailed in curating the 2005 NHIS CDEs, and the group’s future goals.

January 10, 2008 - The Manuscript group went through the different sections of the manuscript outlining in detail the topics to be covered and addressed.

January 3, 2008 - Meeting Cancelled.

November 15, 2007 - Population Sciences SIG General Meeting - There was a brief introduction of the new Integrated Cancer Research (ICR) Workspace Lead, Elaine Freund, then a brief update from the Working Groups. Most of the meeting was spent discussing potential project ideas that the PopSci SIG could focus on for the future.

November 8, 2007 (draft) - The Population Sciences SIG's Journal/Manuscript Working Group focused on reviewing the issues that came out of the Population Sciences Face-to-Face meeting and incorporating them into the manuscript, as well as setting a timeline and format standards for the manuscript.

November 1, 2007 - Data Sharing Working Group - Discussed issues that arose from the Face-to-Face, key issues surrounding the future of the PopSci SIG, and potential project proposals for funding requests.

October 18, 2007 - CDE/Metadata Working Group - The meeting included a discussion of the PopSci Face-to-Face agenda, outreach strategies and the introduction of Gary Levine (Florida Cancer Data System).

October 4, 2007 - Data Sharing Working Group - The meeting primarily focused on issues of data sharing and secondary uses with respect to the PopSci Community.

September 27, 2007 - Population Sciences SIG General Meeting - The meeting covered updates from each of the three Working Groups, DISC, White Paper and CDE/Metadata.

September 20, 2007 - CDE/Metadata Working Group The meeting included updates on the Health Informatics Network Conference and PopSci’s role in the next generation of FormBuilder, as well as planning for the upcoming Face-to-Face.

September 13, 2007 (draft) - At this meeting of the Population Sciences White Paper/Journal Supplement Working Group, there was a review of the progress of the manuscript going through Aims 1-3 and addressing any specific and critical issues related to each Aim.

September 6, 2007 - Data Sharing Working Group - The meeting began with the introduction of Mark Hornbrook, the new PopSci DSIC Working Group Lead. A common theme for the agenda items included understanding the role of the DSIC WS in relation to this working group, and addressing the issues specific for PopSci, as well as looking at the impact of using caDSR on PopSci.

August 23, 2007 - Population Sciences SIG General Meeting - The group planned for the upcoming Face-to-Face as well as having updates on the CDE and Manuscript/White Paper Working Groups.

August 16, 2007 - CDE/Metadata Working Group - There was an update on the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) curation efforts, a presentation by Brad Hesse from Westat on their activities and discussions about possible collaborations, as well as a discussion on Survey/Form building tools like FormBuilder.

June 21, 2007 - CDE/Metadata Working Group - Presentation by Mary Cooper and Dianne Reeves, "CDE Curation: Psychometric Measures in caDSR".

May 10, 2007 - CDE/Metadata Working Group Meeting - Denise Warzel’s presentation gave the group a picture of how the CDE workgroup will interact with the contractors during the development process; the curation process was described briefly by Dianne Reeve and Mary Cooper.

April 26, 2007 - At this call, the change in call structure was confirmed with the leads to drive the scope with the group. Preliminary scope and workflow was discussed and key questions were discussed and addressed with the group as possible. Discussed the Pop Sci key questions submitted to DSIC group, will be addressed at their F2F mtg. Presented Pop Sci Gforge site, with proposed naming conventions to be used for the site

April 12, 2007 - At this call, the Fox Chase developers presented the PRESAGE tool demo with some use cases to the Pop Sci SIG members. Existing barriers were discussed.

To view meeting minutes from older teleconferences, please click here.

last modified 01-26-2009 01:08 PM