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Architect of Capitol Reverses Decision, Allows References to God in Flag Certificates

I recently joined over one hundred fellow representatives in urging Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to overrule the Architect of the Capitol's recent decision that prohibited mentions of "God" on any certificate for a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol.   The Architect is a non-partisan official appointed by the Speaker and is responsible for the maintenance, operation, and preservation of the U.S. Capitol.  These duties also include flying the American flag over the Capitol at the request of members of Congress on behalf of their constituents. 

This outrageous decision came to light after the Architect's office denied a request to print a certificate saying "for the love of God, family, and Country."  Instead, the certificate read "for the love of family and Country." 

House ChamberAmericans from across the nation quickly expressed strong disagreement with this decision.  They pointed out that our nation has a rich spiritual heritage.  Our founders hired paid chaplains for Congress, routinely issued proclamations of thanksgiving to God, and proclaimed the 'indispensable' importance of religion in American life.  The U.S. Capitol itself is filled with imagery depicting this heritage.  Our national motto, "In God We Trust," is placed directly behind the speaker's chair in the House chamber.  An image of Moses also appears in the House chamber, reflecting how the Ten Commandments helped establish the roots of our nation's legal system.  And a painting of George Washington with his hand on the Bible while taking the oath of office is located in a Capitol corridor.   These are just a few examples of artwork in the U.S. Capitol demonstrating our nation's spiritual heritage. 

Following the outcry by the American people, I am pleased to report that the Architect reversed his decision and will allow Americans to express their appreciation to God in their flag certificates.  This small but important victory will hopefully send a loud message that government should embrace public expressions of spiritual beliefs, rather than foster an atmosphere of hostility toward them.


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