Congressman Herger

January 2009

E-Update on Traditional Values: 36th Annual March for Life
Today is the 36th annual March for Life marking the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that denied the American people the ability to address the abortion issue through the democratic process. I commend the estimated 200,000 Americans that traveled to our nation’s capital to proclaim the inalienable human rights of unborn children. The organizers of this important event never let this anniversary pass without calling on our nation to promote an American culture where every child’s right to life is emphatically defended.

I find hope and encouragement today because Americans increasingly agree that abortions occur too frequently in our nation. I believe people with different views about Roe v. Wade should build on this sentiment and work together to ensure that the alternatives to abortion are well known to women facing an unexpected pregnancy. In doing so, I believe we can dramatically reduce the number of abortions in our nation, and begin to create a culture where unborn children are universally welcomed by their parents and protected by law.

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