Congressman Herger

March 2008

E-Update on Defense: Northern CA’s Beale AFB in Running for Cyber Command

The Air Force is creating a new Cyber Command to help defend our nation against cyber attacks on our nation’s computer networks, weapons systems, and financial markets.  Beale Air Force Base, located in Yuba County, is being considered as the Command’s headquarters.  I recently met with Major General William T. Lord to discuss why I and many others believe Beale is the ideal location for it.

General Lord is the commander of the provisional Cyber Command located in Louisiana.  After meeting with him, I can say with high confidence that Beale Air Force Base is receiving strong consideration.  General Lord pointed out that the U-2 and Global Hawk spy planes deployed from Beale already perform important cyber operations.  He also noted that California’s high-tech Silicon Valley, as well as its university system, could potentially partner with the Air Force in performing cyber operations.  Additionally, he stated that he was tremendously impressed by the unanimous support of California’s fifty-five member Congressional delegation in urging the Air Force to consider Beale AFB as headquarters for the Cyber Command, and by the local community’s support for the base.

The Air Force is expected to announce the permanent headquarters for the Command in November or December of this year.  With some seventeen states seeking the Cyber Command, the competition is certainly tough.  But as the decision-making process moves forward, I will continue to work closely with Air Force leaders and the local community in promoting the unmatched attributes of California and Beale AFB.  Share your thoughts

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