Congressman Herger

May 2008

E-Update on International Relations: Senate Should Reject “Law of the Sea Treaty”

I recently joined several of my fellow members of the House in urging U.S. senators to reject the international agreement commonly referred to as the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST).  This treaty would define the rights and responsibilities of nations for their use of the world’s oceans, and create guidelines for business and military activities in the seas.  President Reagan opposed the agreement over 25 years ago, but, after some revisions, it enjoys the support of the current Administration.  The Senate may consider ratifying it in the near future.

Although the agreement has some advantages, such as providing the U.S. Navy with a legal framework for navigation, and providing our energy industry with an exclusive economic zone for exploration, I believe LOST would unacceptably erode U.S. national sovereignty and threaten our national interest.  It would grant an international organization the power to tax and administer fees.  It could also undermine our nation's military and intelligence activities because U.S. submarines and other underwater vehicles conducting sensitive operations would be required to "show their flag."  The agreement may also place overly strict environmental restrictions on ongoing military activities.  In total, therefore, I believe LOST is not in our national interests and believe the Senate should reject it. Share your thoughts

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