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Genetics and Molecular Medicine

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Few areas of medicine hold as much promise or controversy as that focused on what happens in our bodies at the molecular level.

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Genetic testing news
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The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act signed into law

May 21, 2008 - Thirteen years after being introduced, legislation that protects against genetic discrimination has been signed into law. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008 prohibits health insurers and employers from discriminating on the basis of genetic information. Specifically, GINA prohibits health insurers from using genetic information to determine eligibility or premiums, prohibits insurers and employers from requesting or requiring that a person undergo a genetic test, and prohibits employers from using genetic information to make employment decisions. To learn more about how GINA affects health care providers and patients, consult this resource, developed by the Coalition for Genetic Fairness.

EGAPP releases recommendation statement on genetic testing in patients beginning SSRI therapy

The Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention (EGAPP) Working Group found insufficient evidence to recommend the use of cytochrome P450 (CYP450) testing in patients beginning treatment with SSRIs. The full recommendation statement appears in the December 2007 issue of Genetics in Medicine and is freely accessible through the EGAPP Working Group Web site.

Carbemazepine prescribing information to include recommendation of genetic tests for patients with Asian ancestry

Dec. 12, 2007 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced that the manufacturers of drugs containing the active ingredient carbamazepine have agreed to add to the drugs' labeling a recommendation that, before starting therapy with the drugs, patients with Asian ancestry get a genetic blood test that can identify a significantly increased risk of developing a rare, but serious, skin reaction. For further information, read the FDA announcement.

Warfarin labeling revised by the FDA

Aug. 16, 2007 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today released revised labeling for the drug warfarin. The revised labeling includes information on the influence of genetics on warfarin dosing. View (PDF, 34KB) a description of the labeling revision and other information on genetic testing available to aid in warfarin dosing.

Genetics and warfarin dosing: a new brochure is available

A brochure summarizing the genetic basis of warfarin dosing and the genetic tests that may aid in initial warfarin dosing is now available.

Education and research

Listing of new educational programs and initiatives in the fields of genetics and molecular medicine.

Family history

Describes the importance of a family medical history and provides resources on how to collect information and generate a simple pedigree.

Basic genetics - FAQs

Questions and answers about genetics and molecular medicine.

Genetics of common disorders

Many common disorders have a genetic basis. Here, current knowledge of the genetics of selected disorders is summarized.

Current topics in genetics and medicine

Background information on the areas of applied genetics that have the potential to affect medicine most profoundly

Genetics and policy issues

There is a vast body of evolving policy to guide physicians and researchers through the maze of ethical, legal and social issues surrounding genetics and molecular medicine. Highlights of some of the most pressing policy topics are described here. Topics include the stem cell research, genetic testing, genetic discrimination, gene patenting, and use of human participants in scientific research.
Last updated: Oct 7, 2008
Content provided by: AMA Science