For Immediate Release:
APRIL 25, 2007
CONTACT: Darin Thacker
(202) 225-3076
Herger Opposes Congressional Micromanagement
of Mission in Iraq

(Washington, DC) - Congressman Wally Herger today voted against the conference report on H.R. 1591, a wartime spending measure that would provide additional funding for the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also establish troop withdrawal timelines on the mission in Iraq.  The vote occurred the same day General Petraeus, our nation's top commander in Iraq, briefed participating members of Congress on the security situation in Iraq.  Herger made the following statement regarding his opposition to the bill: 
 "I oppose the wartime supplemental measure as currently written because it would micromanage our mission in Iraq," Herger stated.  "General Petraeus is an expert in counterinsurgency and is battle-tested in Iraq.  He and fellow commanders in Iraq are better qualified than members of Congress to make sound military decisions.  I attended General Petraeus' briefing today on the situation in Iraq, and have confidence in his ability to implement the new security plan.  About sixty percent of the combat troops implementing this plan have entered Baghdad.  We must give the plan sufficient time to succeed.

"The Constitution provides members of Congress who believe our mission in Iraq is 'lost' with the power to cut off funding," continued Herger.  "Congress also has every right to counsel the President and commanders about military operations.  However, the Constitution does not envision armchair generals in Congress micromanaging the conduct of war.  Arbitrary troop withdrawal timelines established by Congress and defeatist rhetoric tell the enemy that we're focused on leaving Iraq, not winning in Iraq.  I will support the President's certain veto of this legislation, and urge the new majority to draft a revised measure that respects our military commanders and fully funds our men and women in uniform."  
 The conference report on H.R. 1591 would mandate that U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq begin by October 2007, and establish a goal of withdrawing most troops by the end of March 2008. 

The following is the text of Congressman Herger's radio actuality regarding the conference report on H.R. 1591.  Audio of it can be found at

Hello, this is Congressman Wally Herger.

The House has passed legislation that would tie the hands of our commanders in Iraq.

It would require troops to begin redeploying this October, even if commanders recommend against it.

I believe congressional micromanagement of the Iraq mission is deeply irresponsible.
Rather than going down this dangerous path, Congress should fund our troops and give the new security plan time to succeed.

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