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Constituent Services

District Office Internships

I am always pleased to learn of so many college students eager to participate in the policy making process. I realize the value of the hands-on learning experience attained from an internship. A Congressional internship provides students with a unique educational opportunity through which they can see the American legislative process in action. My Congressional Internship Program is a structured program through which I seek to provide a valuable educational experience for all participants.

Interested college students can apply to volunteer for a semester or during the summer in one of our district offices located in Chico or Redding. The internship program involves researching and drafting constituent responses, working on special projects that may include written research assignments, and assisting with the day-to-day operations of the office. Strong writing and research skills are required.

All internships are non-paying positions. Students are strongly encouraged to work through their college or university to receive academic credit for their internship.

If you are interested in applying for an internship in either my Chico or Redding office please contact Leslie Schuessler at (530) 893-8363.

Internship inquiries can also be sent to:
The Honorable Wally Herger
Attn: Leslie Schuessler
55 Independence Circle, Suite 104
Chico, CA 95973

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