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Constituent Services

Washington, DC Internship

I am always pleased to learn of so many college students eager to participate in the policy making process. I realize the value of the hands-on learning experience attained from an internship. A Congressional internship provides students with a unique educational opportunity through which they can see the American legislative process in action. My Congressional Internship Program is a structured program through which I seek to provide a valuable educational experience for all participants.

Interested college students or recent graduates can apply to work for a semester or during the summer in our Washington, DC Office. The internship program involves assisting with incoming mail, researching issues, attending lectures and hearings, giving tours, working with legislative staff on special projects and assisting with other general office duties.

All internships are non-paying positions. Students are required to work through their college or university to receive academic credit for their internship. We prefer that our applicants be California residents with ties to the 2nd Congressional District, but exceptions may be made depending on the qualifications of the applicant.

If you are interested in applying for an internship in my Washington, DC Office please submit the following information:

  • Cover Letter
  • Resume
  • College Transcript
  • References: Please submit at least two references from professors, teachers, or professionals.
  • Writing Sample: A 250-word essay on why you wish to obtain an internship in my office. The essay should include legislative issues of interest and what you would like to gain from the experience.

Please email your completed packet to my Intern Coordinator at

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