The Johns Hopkins Medical Institution
Department of Epidemiology and the
Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research
Welch Center - http://www.jhsph.edu/welchcenter
Department of Epidemiology --- http://www.jhsph.edu/cvdepi

Director: Josef Coresh, M.D., Ph.D.
Address, phone, e-mail


The overall goal of our institutional training grant is to develop creative and independent investigators in cardiovascular disease epidemiology. The Program is based in the Department of Epidemiology but benefits from close ties with other population- and clinically-oriented departments at The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions as well as several affiliated community-based research units. Both pre- and post-doctoral candidates are accepted for training. All candidates are enrolled in degree programs based in the Department of Epidemiology (doctoral training or master of health science degree training). All trainees participate in a structured schedule of didactic course work, journal club, seminar series, and program-specific research in progress meetings, "hands-on" analysis of existing data sets and a thesis research project involving original data collection. Currently, 4 pre-doctoral and 5 post-doctoral trainees are being supported by our grant. Within the overall context of cardiovascular disease epidemiology, trainees have a broad range of interests both in terms of methodology and content. The training grant emphasizes the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach to investigation and is intended to prepare participants for a lifetime of learning and research.

Areas of Special Emphasis

Building on a base of "traditional" interests in risk factor identification and non-pharmacologic as well as pharmacologic interventions, we are devoting increasing emphasis to the following areas: (1) molecular and genetic epidemiology; (2) minority health issues; (3) non-traditional measurements in cardiovascular disease; (4) connections between renal and cardiovascular disease; (5) methodologic issues in cardiovascular disease; (6) women's health issues; (7) cardiovascular disease research in the community; and (8) links between epidemiology and public policy.

Type of Training: Pre-doctoral and Post-doctoral

Key Faculty Available as Preceptors

Lawrence Appel, MD, MPH; Professor, Medicine and Epidemiology
Clinical trials, dietary approaches in prevention of hypertension & cardiovascular disease, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

Brad Astor, MS, MPH, PhD; Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Cardiovascular epidemiology, chronic kidney disease, anemia, cardiovascular imaging technology

Frederick Brancati, MD, MHS; Associate Program Director, Professor, Medicine and Epidemiology
Diabetes mellitus, obesity and minority health; medical training and mentorship

Josef Coresh, MD, PhD; Program Director, Professor, Epidemiology, Medicine, and Biostatistics
Cardiovascular risk among patients with mild to end-stage renal disease; epidemiologic methods; genetic epidemiology of diabetes and lipid disorders

Tiffany Gary, PhD; Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Social disparities and health, diabetes and obesity management in the community

Sherita Hill Golden, MD, MHS; Assistant Professor, Medicine and Epidemiology
Endocrine aspects of obesity, diabetes and the multiple metabolic syndrome

Eliseo Guallar, MD, DrPh; Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Epidemiologic methods, relation of cardiovascular disease to heavy metal exposure, fish oil intake, hypertension, meta-analysis

Wen Hong (Linda) Kao, PhD, MHS; Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Genetics of diabetes, obesity

Michael J. Klag, MD, MPH; Dean of the School, Associate Program Director, Professor, Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Policy and Management
Epidemiology and prevention of high blood pressure; stroke epidemiology; kidney disease epidemiology; risk factors for cardiovascular disease among young adults; race and socioeconomic status in cardiovascular disease

Rulan Parekh, MD, MS; Associate Professor, Pediatrics, Medicine
Cardiovascular diseases in end-stage renal disease; chronic kidney disease

Neil R. Powe, MD, MPH, MBA; Professor, Medicine, Epidemiology, and Health Policy and Management
Health care finance and service utilization relating to cardiovascular and renal disease; use of technology in medical practice (e.g. erythropoietin, radiologic contrast); linkages and analysis of large data bases; meta analysis service utilization relating to cardiovascular and renal disease; use of technology in medical practice
(e.g. erythropoietin, radiologic contrasts); linkages and analysis of large data bases; meta analysis

Jonathan Samet, MD, MS; Professor and Chair, Epidemiology
Smoking and cardiovascular mortality; air pollution and mortality; sleep apnea & cardiovascular disease; pulmonary epidemiology; policy implications of epidemiology; tobacco control policy

A. Richey Sharrett, MPH, PhD; Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology
Atherosclerosis, inflammation, peripheral vascular disease disease epidemiology

Moyses Szklo, MD, DrPH; Associate Program Director, Professor, Epidemiology (Oncology)
Observational cardiovascular disease epidemiology; principle investigator of ARIC and MESA studies

Last updated: January, 2007

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