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Table of Contents

Curriculum Materials

Acknowledgements Bullet Text
Module Authors BulletText
Introduction to the Curriculum Bullet Text
Use of these Curriculum Materials Bullet Text
Module 1 Epidemiology of Alcohol Problems in the United States BulletText Handout
Bullet Presentation Slide / PDF
Module 2 Etiology and Natural History of Alcoholism BulletText Handout
BulletPresentation Slide / PDF
Module 3 Preventing Alcohol Abuse and Dependence BulletText Handout
BulletPresentation Slide / PDF
Module 4 Screening for Alcohol Problems in Social Work Settings BulletText Handout
BulletPresentation Slide / PDF
Module 5 Diagnosis and Assessment of Alcohol Use Disorders BulletText Handout
BulletPresentation Slide / PDF
Module 6 Motivation and Treatment Interventions BulletText Handout
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Module 7 Coordinated Care Systems BulletText Handout
BulletPresentation Slide / PDF
Module 8 Alcohol and Intimate Partner Violence BulletText Handout
BulletPresentation Slide / PDF
Module 9 Legal and Ethical Issues in Prevention and Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders BulletText Handout
BulletPresentation Slide / PDF
Module 10A Adolescents and Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders BulletText Handout
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Module 10B Women and Alcohol BulletText Handout
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Module 10C Older Adults and Alcohol Problems BulletText Handout
BulletPresentation Slide / PDF
Module 10D Alcohol Use Disorders in Homeless Populations BulletText Handout
BulletPresentation Slide / PDF
Module 10E Comorbidity of Alcohol and Psychiatric Problems BulletText Handout
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Module 10F Immigrants, Refugees, and Alcohol BulletText Handout
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Module 10G Sexual Orientation and Alcohol Use Disorders BulletText Handout
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Module 10H Ethnicity, Culture and Alcohol BulletText Handout
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Module 10I Disabilities and Alcohol Use Disorders BulletText Handout
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Module 10J Alcohol and Families BulletText Handout
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Module 10K Fetal Alcohol Exposure BulletText Handout
BulletPresentation Slide / PDF
Case Instruction Case Examples BulletText Handout
Appendix Contents Index BulletPDF
Prepared: March 2005

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