From: NCI Staff
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 5:21 PM
To: NCI Staff
Subject: Mandatory Use of NEES for HHS 520 Submissions

OUTSIDE ACTIVITY – an outside activity performed in a personal capacity with or without compensation and not considered directly related to NCI duty assignments.  For further clarification see:


NEES – NIH Ethics Enterprise System



NOTE: Non-FTE fellows continue to submit paper HHS 520 requests.  Form located at:


BASIS OF REQUIREMENT – Prior approval required under regulation for outside activities (5 CFR 2635.803 defined by 5 CFR 5510.106)




–          In the past, seeking approval has been accomplished by submitting the hard-copy form HHS-520, Request for Approval of Outside Activity.

–          The process for seeking approval will now require the electronic submission and review of the HHS 520 form through the NIH Enterprise Ethics System (NEES).

–          Beginning April 15, NIH will accept requests for approval of outside activities only if submitted through NEES (the NCI Ethics Office already requires employees to submit requests for approval using NEES).

–          All requests for approval of outside activities that begin on or after June 1, 2008, must be submitted through NEES.


TRAINING – We encourage you to attend a NEES training session.  Classes are scheduled by CIT. To enroll in the hands-on training:


–          login to the CIT Training site at:

–          Register for Course #705.

–          More classes are being added.


GETTING STARTED – The NEES Community will continue to be a central repository for all ethics documents developed by CIT when future NEES versions are released.  To access the NEES community:


–          Log onto the NIH Portal page at

–          Click on the gold “My Communities” link at the top of the page.

–          Click on “Join Communities.”

–          Type “Ethics” in the “Search for Communities” box at the top/left of the page.

–          Find the link for “NIH Enterprise Ethics System” (NEES) and check the box to the left.

–          At the top/right of the page, click on the “Finish” box.

–          At this point, you should be back at the NIH Portal page.

–          Click on the gold “My Communities” link at the top of the page.

–          You should now have a link to the NIH Ethics Enterprise System.

–          Click on “Launch NEES.”




–          Launch NEES from the NIH Portal, by selecting NIH Ethics Enterprise System from “My Communities” and clicking “Launch.”

–          You should now be on a page called “Reports List.”

–          At the top right hand corner of this page, you should see your name and your role as either “Filer” (OGE 450 or SF 278 filer) or “Employee.”

–          On the arrow to the right of the window called “Report Type” choose HHS.

–          Click on “Create Report/Request.”

–          Under “Request Type” select “Initial Request” (this is the default selection).  (Although you may be submitting a renewal 520, for this year only, select “Initial Request.”)

–          Scroll down to the block for “Office Contact Information” and check to ensure accuracy of information.  If the information is not correct, click on the “Update NED” link and update with your current office contact information.  CORRECT E-MAIL ADDRESS IS ESSENTIAL

–          The system should guide you through each of the frames.

–          Make sure you click “Save and Continue” before moving to the next page.

–          Scan up your invitation letter/contract or supporting documentation, NIH 2657 (if needed), and job description.

–          Submit/dispatch the HHS 520 request.


If you attempt to submit the HHS 520 with less than a 60-day lead time (based on dates input on the “TIME” page of the submission), the system will not permit you to submit the report but will require that you submit a request for an exemption from the lead time requirement to your Deputy Ethics Counselor, Maureen O. Wilson, Ph.D.


Alternatively you may adjust the start date to meet the 60-day lead time requirement.  If an exemption from the lead time requirement is required you may not submit your HHS 520 until Dr. Wilson has cleared the lead time request.


–          For additional information see other resources located in the NEES Community:

* Slide handouts from the training class for Employees and Supervisors on the HHS-520 process.

* Step-by-Step instructions on how to prepare and submit an HHS-520 in NEES.

* Supervisor review instructions for 520s.

* Training materials and user documentation associated with the SF-278 preparation and review process.