United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Document Delivery/ILL -- -- Missing attachment

Question: Why did NLM send me only the cover page without the requested attachment?

You may not have received the attachment because: (1) the item is available free at the publisher's web site; the National Library of Medicine (NLM) does not process requests for articles that can be obtained free from the publisher's web site; or (2) the item is not available at NLM because we have not yet received it or because it is not on shelf; or (3) NLM's cost exceeds your library's cost limit; or (4) your request may have exceeded the page limit. The 'Note to Client' field on the cover sheet will indicate the reason why your request was not filled.

Related Questions:
How can I contact NLM's customer service staff?
What should I do if my document is missing pages?

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Last reviewed: 22 September 2008
Last updated: 22 September 2008
First published: 07 June 2007
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