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UGID:909574     UniGene Hs.518827     Homo sapiens (human)   CCNI
Cyclin I (CCNI)
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
XP_001148321.1 PREDICTED: cyclin I isoform 4 P. troglodytes 100.0 376
NP_006826.1 cyclin I H. sapiens 100.0 376
XP_001093947.1 PREDICTED: similar to cyclin I M. mulatta 100.0 333
NP_059063.1 cyclin I M. musculus 97.6 376
NP_001083571.1 hypothetical protein LOC398997 X. laevis 77.2 381
NP_998386.1 cyclin I D. rerio 67.9 352
XP_001690399.1 fibrocystin-L-like protein C. reinhardtii 46.8 126

Tissues and development stages from this gene's sequences survey gene expression. Links to other NCBI expression resources.
Expression Profile: View expression levels using UniGene's EST ProfileViewer
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Note: Highly represented (25.0 pct) in cDNA library dbEST:9515, UT0118.
Note: Highly represented (5.4 pct) in cDNA library dbEST:7813, HN0029.
cDNA Sources: brain; uterus; eye; lung; connective tissue; pancreas; testis; embryonic tissue; kidney; mixed; intestine; skin; ovary; uncharacterized tissue; mammary gland; prostate; muscle; blood; placenta; ear; liver; lymph node; larynx; lymph; bone; thymus; spleen; trachea; salivary gland; heart; thyroid; vascular; tonsil; bone marrow; pharynx; stomach; bladder; parathyroid; adrenal gland; esophagus; nerve; ascites; ganglia; umbilical cord; pituitary gland; adipose tissue; cervix; mouth
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 4
Map position: 4q21.1
UniSTS entry: Chr 4 SHGC-59775
UniSTS entry: Chr 4 D4S3098
UniSTS entry: Chr 4 SHGC-80948
UniSTS entry: Chr 4 SHGC-24707
UniSTS entry: Chr 4 G33592
UniSTS entry: Chr Y A009S20
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (10)

NM_006835.2 Homo sapiens cyclin I (CCNI), mRNA PA
AF135162.1 Homo sapiens cyclin I (CYC1) mRNA, complete cds P
CR541783.1 Homo sapiens full open reading frame cDNA clone RZPDo834E0730D for gene CCNI, cyclin I; complete cds, without stopcodon P
BT020019.1 Homo sapiens cyclin I mRNA, complete cds P
AB209766.1 Homo sapiens mRNA for CCNI protein variant protein P
AK222931.1 Homo sapiens mRNA for cyclin I variant, clone: HRC09690 PA
BC000420.2 Homo sapiens cyclin I, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:8665 IMAGE:2964432), complete cds PA
D50310.1 Homo sapiens mRNA for cyclin I, complete cds P
BC004975.1 Homo sapiens cyclin I, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:3795 IMAGE:2957878), complete cds PA
AK312632.1 Homo sapiens cDNA, FLJ93016, Homo sapiens cyclin I (CCNI), mRNA P

EST sequences (10 of 1525) [Show all sequences]

AA975283.1 Clone IMAGE:1588447 uncharacterized tissue 3' read
AA985180.1 Clone IMAGE:1629322 brain 3' read P
AA992575.1 Clone IMAGE:1624736 embryonic tissue 3' read P
AA993651.1 Clone IMAGE:1623602 embryonic tissue 3' read
AI000596.1 Clone IMAGE:1610011 mammary gland 3' read A
AA910671.1 Clone IMAGE:1520622 kidney 3' read P
AA910712.1 Clone IMAGE:1521171 lung 3' read A
AI017489.1 Clone IMAGE:1627672 mixed 3' read P
AI018455.1 Clone IMAGE:1641981 testis 3' read A
AI018633.1 Clone IMAGE:1630999 mammary gland 3' read P

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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