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UGID:618058     UniGene Hs.449095     Homo sapiens (human)  
Transcribed locus, strongly similar to NP_000960.2 ribosomal protein L5 [Homo sapiens]
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
XP_001117260.1 PREDICTED: similar to ribosomal protein L5, partial M. mulatta 98.6 144
NP_000960.2 ribosomal protein L5 H. sapiens 94.2 294
XP_001479502.1 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein M. musculus 92.7 294
NP_001079377.1 similar to ribosomal protein L5 X. laevis 86.1 293
NP_956050.1 ribosomal protein L5 D. rerio 78.8 294
NP_001036387.1 Ribosomal protein L5 CG17489-PA, isoform A D. melanogaster 62.7 296
XP_323671.1 60S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L5 (CPR4) N. crassa 54.7 294
NP_495811.1 Ribosomal Protein, Large subunit family member (rpl-5) C. elegans 54.0 288
NP_198790.1 60S ribosomal protein L5 (RPL5B) A. thaliana 50.4 290
XP_001689859.1 ribosomal protein L5, component of cytosolic 80S ribosome and 60S large subunit C. reinhardtii 49.4 290

Tissues and development stages from this gene's sequences survey gene expression. Links to other NCBI expression resources.
Expression Profile: View expression levels using UniGene's EST ProfileViewer
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GEO profiles: Gene expression profiles in the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus database
cDNA Sources: skin; pancreas; pharynx; heart; embryonic tissue; brain; liver; uterus; muscle; ovary; thyroid; mammary gland; lung; mouth; bone marrow; testis; connective tissue; kidney; mixed; ear; prostate; intestine; vascular; blood; cervix; ascites; umbilical cord; bone; stomach; uncharacterized tissue; eye; lymph node; placenta; pituitary gland
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 22
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

EST sequences (10 of 188) [Show all sequences]

AA970294.1 Clone IMAGE:1575235 kidney 3' read PA
AA985404.1 Clone IMAGE:1592813 kidney 3' read PA
AA991587.1 Clone IMAGE:1609745 mammary gland 3' read PA
AA910548.1 Clone IMAGE:1518941 uncharacterized tissue 3' read PA
AI040133.1 Clone IMAGE:1655769 mixed 3' read P
AI251448.1 Clone IMAGE:1977854 brain 3' read PA
CB105517.1 Clone L1HLK1-5-D11 liver 5' read P
CB105836.1 Clone L1HLK1-11-E07 liver 5' read P
CB106104.1 Clone L1HLK1-10-C07 liver 5' read P
CB105616.1 Clone L1HLK1-6-F08 liver 5' read P

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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