Our free search engine helps you find suppliers for thousands of antibodies, assay kits, cytokines, enzymes, recombinant proteins, siRNAs, tissues, organs, custom services and more right here.

We currently have more than 320,000 different listings in our antibody section,
and more than 148,000 listings of other products and services available from nearly
300 different commercial and governmental sources worldwide, and more are being
added each week.
Let us connect you directly to the companies and institutions that carry
the products and services you need.

Last updated: January 27, 2009

Please visit the International Life Science Forum hosted by our friends at Scientist Solutions

"...congratulations on putting together an extremely valuable research aid. I cannot tell you the number of times I have used your directory nor how many investigators I have told about it."
Elizabeth A. Wayner, Ph.D.
Head, Antibody Development Laboratory
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

"This directory lists suppliers of key reagents used all over the world for biotechnological research....If you're looking for that esoteric reagent, chances are you'll find a supplier listed in the Linscott Directory."
Applied Genetics News, vol. 15, No. 4


Linscotts Directory has been published by the Linscott family since 1980.
Suggested reference terms: Antibody, Antigen, Assay, Immunology, Reagent.