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NIH Mouse Imaging Facility (MIF)

The NIH Mouse Imaging Facility (MIF) is a shared intramural resource for animal imaging studies. Administratively, it resides within the NIH MRI Research Facility (NMRF), and it is supported by most NIH Institutes. The MIF reports to the Shared Resources Subcommittee (SRS) of the Scientific Directors, and the MIF Subcommittee of the NMR Center Steering Committee provides oversight for MIF activities. The MIF Subcommittee is responsible for all aspects of the MIF, including allocation of resources and time on the imaging devices, general directions for work associated with the various imaging modalities, and review of NMR Center animal protocols.

The facility is equipped with imaging devices optimized for imaging small rodents at high resolution: Ultrasound Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Luciferase-Based Bioluminescence Imager, and Laser Doppler.

In addition, Positron Emission Tomography (Micro-PET) imaging modality is currently under research development and the MIF anticipates including it for use in the future.