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Record Count: 17

To sort columns alphabetically or numerically, click on the column header (Title, Principal Investigator, Institution, City, ST, Award Code, or Pubs).

(Principal Investigator)
Institution City , ST Award Code Pubs
Reactive Oxygen Species in Ni(Ii) Carcinogenesis (Shi, Xianglin) University of Kentucky Lexington, KY R01ES015518 Ø
Arsenic Induced Miotic Arrest Associated Apoptosis (States, J) University of Louisville Louisville, KY R01ES011314 19
Ahr - Protac, A Novel Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Antagonist (Swanson, Hollie) University of Kentucky Lexington, KY R01ES014849 6
Metabolism and Detoxification of Base Propenals (Srivastava, Sanjay) University of Louisville Louisville, KY R01ES011594 5
Center for Environmental Genomics and Integrative Biology (Ramos, Kenneth) University of Louisville Louisville, KY P30ES014443 20
Nutrition and Superfund Chemical Toxicity (Hennig, Bernhard) University of Kentucky Lexington, KY P42ES007380 128
Transplacental Arsenic Induced Hepatic Dysfunction and Vascular Disease (States, J.Christopher) University of Louisville Louisville, KY R21ES015812 Ø
Cardiovascular Toxicity of Environmental Aldehydes (Bhatnagar, Aruni) University of Louisville Louisville, KY P01ES011860 57
Perinatal Breast Cancer Programming - - Fat and Estrogens (Pisano, M) University of Louisville Louisville, KY R21ES013821 Ø
Apple Peel Extract Protects Uv - Induced Carcinogenesis (Shi, Xianglin) University of Kentucky Lexington, KY R01ES015375 Ø
Curcumin Inhbits Bpde - Induced Damage By Lowering the Threshold of P53 Activation (Rogers, Erica) University of Louisville Louisville, KY F31ES016719 Ø
Summer Education Experience for Research (Vore, Mary) University of Kentucky Lexington, KY R25ES016248 Ø
Uofl Environmental Health Sciences Training Program (Hein, David) University of Louisville Louisville, KY T32ES011564 39
Molecular Mechanisms of Toxicity Training Grant (Vore, Mary) University of Kentucky Lexington, KY T32ES007266 83
Summer Environmental Health Sciences Training Program (Prough, Russell) University of Louisville Louisville, KY T35ES014559 Ø
Arsenite Inhibition of Mitotic Progression (Taylor, Ben) University of Louisville Louisville, KY F30ES013372 10
Novel Therapies for Chlorine - Induced Lung Injury (Hoyle, Gary) University of Louisville Louisville, KY U01ES015673 Ø

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