Edison Integrator Users Guide

    Definition of the Data Elements in a Batch Record

The following table provides a definition of each Interagency Edison/Edison data element.

Data Element Name Description
EIR.DocketNum The institute's internal tracking number for the EIR.
EIR.EIRNum The NIH's internal tracking number.
EIR.PrimaryAgency The government agency which receives administrative reports and acts as "the government" in responding to and inputting dates of receipt of documents.
EIR.Title The title of the invention.
EIR.DisclosurDate The date the invention was disclosed to NIH.
EIR.TitleExtenReq The length of time for the extension of the title request.
EIR.PatentExtenReq The one-year extension given to elect a patent.
EIR.BarDate Date of any public use, sale, or statutory bar.
EIR.EIRStatus The status of the EIR.
EIR.DispRightsReq The request by the user for the disposition of the invention if they do not want to elect title.
EIR.TitleElectDate The date that title was elected.
EIR.WaiveReason The reason for waiving the rights to the invention.
EIR.Notes Notes that the grantee has made.
EIR.ParentEIR Combines several related EIRs under one master.
EIR.ParentDocketNum The docket number of the parent EIR.
EIR_Grants.Agency The government agency that has any interest in the in the EIR.
EIR_Grants.GrantNum The grant number of the specific government agency.
EIR_Keyword.Keyword Keyword that user selects.
EIR_Inventor.LastName Last name of inventor.
EIR_Inventor.FirstName First name of inventor.
EIR_Inventor.MI Middle Initial(s) of inventor.
Patent.EIRNum The EIR number of patent.
Patent.PatDocketNum The Grantee's internal patent number.
Patent.ProvAppNum The applied number of the patent.
Patent.ProvAppDate The date the provisional application number was received.
Patent.PCTNum The PCT Number.
Patent.PCTFileDate The date the PCT was applied for.
Patent.NonProvAppNum The Non-Provisional Application Number.
Patent.NonProvAppDate The date the Non-Provisional Application number was given.
Patent.PatentNum The patent number assigned by the Patent and Trademark Office.
Patent.PatentDate The date that the patent number was given.
Patent.ExpireDate The date of expiration of the patent.
Patent.TypeOfApplic The type of the application.
Patent.PatentTitle The title of the patent.
Patent.Notes Notes that the Grantee has made.
Patent.OtherRelatedInventions Any other EIR that is related to the patent but not the primary EIR.
Patent.DispRightsReq The request by the user, of the disposition of the invention if they don't want to prosecute it until it expires.
Pat_Keyword.Keyword Keyword of the patent.
Pat_Inventor.LastName Last name of the inventor.
Pat_Inventor.FirstName First name of the inventor.
Pat_Inventor.MI Middle initial(s) of the inventor.
Pat_ForeignFiling.Country The country in which rights are being pursued.
Pat_ForeignFiling.Status The status of the patent rights in that country.
Pat_ForeignFiling.Date The date of the most recent status change.
Utilize_New.FiscalYear The fiscal year for the utilization.
Utilize_New.NonExclusiveLicensesOptions The number of non-exclusive licenses or options.
Utilize_New.ExclusiveLicensesOptions The number of exclusive licenses or options.
Utilize_New.ManufacturingWaiver Did the grantee organization/contractor or any of the exclusive licensees request a waiver of the U.S. manufacturing requirements?
Utilize_New.ManufacturingWaiverTotal The number of any such waiver(s) of the U.S. manufacturing requirements.
Utilize_New.SmallBusLicensesOptions The number of licenses to business with less than 500 people.
Utilize_New.LatestStageDev The latest stage of development of any products related to this EIR for the current year.
Utilize_New.TotalIncome The total income received as a result of license or option agreements.
Utilize_New.FirstCommSaleYear The calendar year of the first commercial sale.
Utilize_New.CommercialName The commercial name of any FDA-approved products, utilizing this invention, that have reached the market.

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