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UGID:713332     UniGene Hs.498173     Homo sapiens (human)   SMPD1
Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1, acid lysosomal (SMPD1)
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cDNA Sources: brain; placenta; mixed; bone; lung; uncharacterized tissue; nerve; stomach; eye; vascular; pancreas; pituitary gland; skin; testis; prostate; uterus; adipose tissue; intestine; mammary gland; liver; ovary; kidney; epididymis; blood; connective tissue; pharynx; thyroid; muscle; cervix; ascites; heart; parathyroid; tonsil; thymus; embryonic tissue
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 11
Map position: 11p15.4-p15.1
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (11)

NM_000543.3 Homo sapiens sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1, acid lysosomal (SMPD1), transcript variant 1, mRNA A
CR615854.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI077YD04 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human)
NM_001007593.1 Homo sapiens sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1, acid lysosomal (SMPD1), transcript variant 2, mRNA A
AY649987.1 Homo sapiens truncated sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1 acid lysosomal (SMPD1) mRNA, complete cds, alternatively spliced
AB209775.1 Homo sapiens mRNA for sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1, acid lysosomal isoform 1 precursor variant protein
M59916.1 Human acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) mRNA, complete cds
AK292388.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ77600 complete cds, highly similar to Human acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) mRNA
X59960.1 H.sapiens mRNA for sphingomyelinase A
X52678.1 Human ASM-1 mRNA for sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase (EC
X52679.1 Human ASM-2 mRNA for sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase (EC A
BC041164.1 Homo sapiens sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1, acid lysosomal, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:48856 IMAGE:5762229), complete cds A

EST sequences (10 of 316) [Show all sequences]

AA864993.1 Clone IMAGE:1456528 kidney 3' read A
AA970290.1 Clone IMAGE:1575223 kidney 3' read A
AI000762.1 Clone IMAGE:1613724 uncharacterized tissue 3' read A
AI027028.1 Clone IMAGE:1649451 parathyroid 3' read A
AI056771.1 Clone IMAGE:1675386 mixed 3' read A
AI075625.1 Clone IMAGE:1666870 skin 3' read A
AI131148.1 Clone IMAGE:1709662 heart 3' read A
AI223155.1 Clone IMAGE:1838890 testis 3' read A
CB106351.1 Clone L3SNU475-3-B06 liver 5' read
AI198102.1 Clone IMAGE:1860297 brain 3' read A

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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