UCSC Genes

GBA3 (uc010iep.1) at chr4:22303646-22430290 - cytosolic beta-glucosidase isoform b
GBA (uc009wqk.1) at chr1:153473756-153481112 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ77760 complete cds, highly similar to Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta; acid (includes glucosylceramidase), mRNA.
GBA2 (uc003zxy.1) at chr9:35728749-35732026 - bile acid beta-glucosidase
GBA2 (uc003zxw.1) at chr9:35726863-35739225 - bile acid beta-glucosidase
GBA3 (uc003gqp.2) at chr4:22303646-22430290 - cytosolic beta-glucosidase isoform a
GBA (uc001fjl.1) at chr1:153470867-153481112 - glucocerebrosidase precursor
GBA (uc001fjk.1) at chr1:153470867-153481112 - glucocerebrosidase precursor
GBA (uc001fjj.1) at chr1:153470867-153481112 - glucocerebrosidase precursor
GBA (uc001fji.1) at chr1:153470867-153481112 - glucocerebrosidase precursor
GBA (uc001fjh.1) at chr1:153470867-153477677 - glucocerebrosidase precursor
GBA (uc001fjf.2) at chr1:153450240-153463949 - GBA protein.
GBA (uc001fje.2) at chr1:153450240-153463949 - GBA protein.
GBA (uc001fjd.1) at chr1:153450240-153455433 - GBA protein.
SCARB2 (uc003hju.1) at chr4:77298918-77354059 - scavenger receptor class B, member 2
GBAS (uc003trf.1) at chr7:55999790-56035365 - Homo sapiens GBAS (GBAS) mRNA, complete cds.
GBAS (uc003tre.1) at chr7:55999790-56035365 - nipsnap homolog 2

RefSeq Genes

GBA at chr1:153470867-153477677 - (NM_000157) glucocerebrosidase precursor
GBA at chr1:153470867-153481112 - (NM_001005741) glucocerebrosidase precursor
GBA at chr1:153470867-153481112 - (NM_001005742) glucocerebrosidase precursor
GBA at chr1:153470867-153481112 - (NM_001005749) glucocerebrosidase precursor
GBA at chr1:153470867-153481112 - (NM_001005750) glucocerebrosidase precursor
GBA2 at chr9:35726863-35739225 - (NM_020944) bile acid beta-glucosidase
GBA3 at chr4:22303646-22430290 - (NM_020973) cytosolic beta-glucosidase isoform a
GBA3 at chr4:22303646-22430290 - (NM_001128432) cytosolic beta-glucosidase isoform b
GBAP at chr1:153450240-153463949 - (NR_002188) 
GBAS at chr7:55999790-56035365 - (NM_001483) nipsnap homolog 2

Non-Human RefSeq Genes

Gba at chr1:153471265-153476493 - (NM_001127639) glucosidase, beta, acid
GBA at chr1:153471335-153477531 - (NM_001005730) glucosidase, beta; acid
GBA at chr1:153471392-153480985 - (NM_001046421) glucosidase, beta; acid (includes
GBA at chr1:153471410-153477527 - (NM_001008997) glucocerebrosidase
Gba at chr1:153471385-153477099 - (NM_001077411) glucosidase, beta, acid
Gba at chr1:153471385-153477385 - (NM_008094) glucosidase, beta, acid
GBA at chr1:153470868-153481080 - (NM_001134016) glucosidase, beta; acid (includes
Gba2 at chr9:35727149-35738703 - (NM_172692) bile acid beta-glucosidase
Gba2 at chr9:35727253-35738608 - (NM_001013091) bile acid beta-glucosidase
Gba3 at chr4:22358043-22429662 - (NM_001106010) glucosidase, beta, acid 3 (cytosolic)
GBA3 at chr4:22303640-22430289 - (NM_001131233) glucosidase, beta, acid 3 (cytosolic)
Gbas at chr7:55999861-56034271 - (NM_001017486) glioblastoma amplified sequence
GBAS at chr7:55999807-56035368 - (NM_001077011) glioblastoma amplified sequence
Gbas at chr7:56013311-56035361 - (NM_008095) glioblastoma amplified
gbas at chr22:28281924-28296502 - (NM_131034) glioblastoma amplified sequence
GBAS at chr7:56013323-56035366 - (NM_001030713) glioblastoma amplified sequence

Human Aligned mRNA Search Results

BC029362 - Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta, acid 3 (cytosolic), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4557304), complete cds.
BC070188 - Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta, acid 3 (cytosolic), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4614214), complete cds.
BC109377 - Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta, acid 3 (cytosolic), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4612206), complete cds.
BC000732 - Homo sapiens glioblastoma amplified sequence, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:1951 IMAGE:2959662), complete cds.
BC001837 - Homo sapiens glioblastoma amplified sequence, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:4443 IMAGE:2959662), complete cds.
AF029786 - Homo sapiens GBAS (GBAS) mRNA, complete cds.
BC101829 - Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta, acid 3 (cytosolic), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:126878 IMAGE:8069335), complete cds.
BC136264 - Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta, acid 3 (cytosolic), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:167874 IMAGE:9020251), complete cds.
BC011363 - Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta (bile acid) 2, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:16895 IMAGE:4339156), complete cds.
BC003356 - Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta; acid (includes glucosylceramidase), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:5191 IMAGE:2899915), complete cds.
BC030821 - Homo sapiens glioblastoma amplified sequence, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:23931 IMAGE:4808962), complete cds.
CR407612 - Homo sapiens full open reading frame cDNA clone RZPDo834A112D for gene GBAS, glioblastoma amplified sequence complete cds, without stopcodon.
AM392838 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens clone IMAGE:100002319 for hypothetical protein (GBAS gene).
DQ892309 - Synthetic construct clone IMAGE:100004939; FLH185093.01X; RZPDo839F02146D glioblastoma amplified sequence (GBAS) gene, encodes complete protein.
DQ895508 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens clone IMAGE:100009968; FLH185089.01L; RZPDo839F02145D glioblastoma amplified sequence (GBAS) gene, encodes complete protein.
AK297435 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ55541 complete cds, highly similar to Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta (bile acid) 2 (GBA2), mRNA.
AK312502 - Homo sapiens cDNA, FLJ92865, Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta; acid (includes glucosylceramidase)(GBA), mRNA.
AK313189 - Homo sapiens cDNA, FLJ93688, Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta, acid 3 (cytosolic) (GBA3), mRNA.
AK292746 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ78196 complete cds, highly similar to Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta, acid 3 (cytosolic) (GBA3), mRNA.
AK097049 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ39730 fis, clone SMINT2015518, highly similar to Homo sapiens GBAS (GBAS) mRNA.

Human Unaligned mRNA Search Results

NR_002188 - Homo sapiens glucosidase, beta; acid, pseudogene (GBAP), non-coding RNA.