About EyeSite

About EyeSite

Welcome to the EyeSite Website, a resource for the ocular genomics community.

Currently, the website includes data for several new human eye cDNA libraries. The site will grow over time to include ESTs from other sources and other species. It will also include links to resources on protein structure, proteomics, microarrays and other topics. A complete summary of all current NEIBank libraries can be viewed at the Library Summary Page.

Suggestions, contributions and collaborations are encouraged.   Please send questions/comments on EyeSite scientific content to neibank.comments@nei.nih.gov. Technical questions/comments regarding the EyeSite website can be sent to neibank.webmaster@nei.nih.gov.

Disclaimer: Some links from this site may link you to sites outside of NEIBank. NEIBank is not responsible for the content of any non-NEIBank site.

Please send questions/comments on NEIBank scientific content to neibank.comments@nei.nih.gov.
Technical questions/comments regarding the NEIBank website can be sent to neibank.webmaster@nei.nih.gov.