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cancer Text Information Extraction System (caTIES) —
National Cancer Institute   U.S. National Institutes of Health
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cancer Text Information Extraction System (caTIES)
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Product Summary
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Related caBIG™ Tools
Developer Institution(s)
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Product Summary
Intended Audiences:
Pathologists, Biobank Managers
Area of Focus: Biospecimens Primary Workspace: TBPT
Product Description:

The cancer Text Information Extraction System (caTIES): A locator to tissue resources via the extraction of coded information from free text surgical pathology reports (SPRs), is using controlled terminologies to populate caBIG-compliant data structures. Provides researchers with the ability to query, browse, and acquire annotated tissue data and physical material across a network.

Current Version Number: Version 2.0 Release Date of Current Version: August 2006
Currently caGrid Enabled? Yes caBIG™ Compatibility Level: Silver
Learn more about Silver Compatibility
Tool Maturity Assessment: Stable Release (Adoption in Progress)
Installation Level:
Intermediate - technical assistance may be required, download may require supporting infrastructure or software
Architecture Type:
Desktop Application, Web Application - Remote application with data uploads/downloads through web interface
System Requirements:

Full installation requires: High speed Ethernet connection to Internet; Minimum 1 Gigabyte RAM for Server with secure Firewall/Router; MySQL 5.0.28 database; Browser: Netscape 7 and above, Internet Explorer 5 and above, Mozilla Firefox 1.x and above; and Java 1.4.2_04.

For application support please contact NCICB Applications Support.


End User Support Resources


Related caBIG™ Tools:
Related Articles

Currently there are no available related articles.


Demo Files & Exercises


Documentation & Training


Tool Download Files

caTIES V2 Installer Zip File (2.2 MB) - updated on 04/04/2006

For past release versions and additional update notes, please visit the caTIES File Download Page on GForge at:


Developer Institution(s)

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)


Adopter Institution(s)

Thomas Jefferson University

University of Pennsylvania

Washington University