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Completing the SF-135:
Records Data – Disposition Information

The last section of the Standard Form 135 (SF-135), Records Transmittal and Receipt, includes items for information about the restrictions, disposition, and location of the records.

Items 6 Parts g-m on the Standard Form (SF) 135
Text color is for instructional purposes only.

Item 6(g) - Restriction
There are several restriction codes listed in the SF-135 instructions. You must include one of the restriction codes listed below:

Codes Most Frequently Used for NIH Records

  • R – Restricted use
    This code is used because the public must file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request through your agency to gain access to the records. You should use this code if witnessed disposal is NOT required. Witnessed disposal is necessary for records subject to the Privacy Act of 1974.
  • W – Restricted use
    Like “R,” this codes signifies the necessity of a FOIA request to access the records. However, you should use this code if witnessed disposal IS required.

If records are to be stored in vault-type storage, add "A.”

Codes Used for Security Classified Records

  • C – Confidential security classification
  • S – Secret security classification
  • T – Top Secret security classification

If these records contain Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data, you must add “E.”

Codes that Should Not be Used by NIH

  • N – No restrictions
  • Q – Security classification

If necessary, explain any special restrictions, such as additional national security classifications, in Item 6(f).

Item 6(h) – Disposal Authority
This item should include the title of the records schedule authorizing disposition, “GRS” or “Chapter 1743,” and the alphanumeric designation for the series of records being transferred. An accession may only have one authorizing disposition.

Item 6(i) – Disposal Date
This item should include the final action date based on the series-specific disposition given in the records schedule. This is calculated using the date of the most recent document in the accession or, for records cut off by fiscal year, the last day of the fiscal year.

Temporary records are destroyed by the federal records center (FRC) in January, April, July, and October of each year. Once the date of destruction is determined, you must round the date forward to the next applicable month. For example, if the closing date of the records is August 2004 and the disposition given in 1743 is “Destroy after 6 years,” the disposal date would be 10/2010. The disposal date should be entered in MM/YYYY format.

Permanent records are transferred each January to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). If records are eligible for transfer between February and December, according to the disposition schedule, you should enter the next year followed by a “P.” No record shall be transferred before its time.

Items 6(j-m) – Location
Leave this item blank. These items are reserved for use by the Washington National Records Center (WNRC). An FRC staff member will fill in this item when the accession is shelved at the receiving facility and return a copy of the completed SF-135 to the NIH Records Management Officer (RMO).

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