National Institute of Health - Office of Biotechnology Activities NIH Guidance on Informed Consent
For Gene Transfer Research


Table of Contents
Appendix Title
Appendix M-III Introduction to Guidance
Important Note
Appendix M-III-A Communication about the Study to Potential Participants
Main Points
Tools and Background Materials
Special Considerations for Informed Consent
Appendix M-III-A-1 Conflicts of Interest
Main Points
Sample Language
Tools and Background Materials
Appendix M-III-A-2 Comprehensibility
Main Points
Tools and Background Materials
Appendix M-III-A-3 Time for Decision Making
Main Points
Sample Language
Appendix M-III-A-4 Assent
Main Points
Tools and Background Materials
Appendix M-III-B Consent Form
Main Points
Tools and Background Materials
General Requirements of Human Subjects Research
Appendix M-III-B-1 Purpose
Main Points
Sample Language
Tools and Background Materials
Appendix M-III-B-1-a Procedures
Main Points
Sample Language
Tools and Background Materials
Appendix M-III-B-1-b Alternatives
Main Points
Sample Language
Tools and Background Materials
Appendix M-III-B-1-c Voluntary Participation
Main Points
Sample Language
Appendix M-III-B-1-d Potential Benefits
Main Points
Sample Language
Tools and Background Materials
Appendix M-III-B-1-e Possible Risks, Discomforts, & Side Effects
Main Points
Sample Language
Appendix M-III-B-1-f Costs
Main Points
Sample Language
Specific Requirements of Gene Transfer Research
Appendix M-III-B-2-a Reproductive Considerations
Main Points
Sample Language
Tools and Background Materials
Appendix M-III-B-2-b Long-term Follow-up
Main Points
Sample Language
Appendix M-III-B-2-c Request for Autopsy
Main Points
Sample Language
Appendix M-III-B-2-d Interest of the Media and Others in the Research
Appendix M-IV Privacy and Confidentiality
Main Points
Sample Language
Tools and Background Materials
Additional Resources

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