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NCI-F Employee Diversity Team Home Page NCI-F Employee Diversity Team Travel Database
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The Employee Diversity Team has created the Diversity Travel Database as a way for the NCI-Frederick community to share travel information with their fellow employees. Members of the NCI-Frederick community can post brief information on places that they have visited or lived. Users interested in learning more about a trip they are about to take may search the site for their destination or a nearby destination. The search will produce contact information for those who have traveled to or are familiar with that part of the world. Then all it takes is a phone call or e-mail to contact the experienced travelers.

We hope that everyone will participate in this database, as almost everyone working here has come from or traveled to somewhere else. Feel free to add your hometown, the place where you went to school, locations where you were previously employed, etc. Remember, any place may be a destination for someone.

If you are searching for a destination, please choose "Search" from the above menu. If you want to add to the database, please choose "Add" from the above menu.

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