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Reviewed January 2007

What is the official name of the TSC1 gene?

The official name of this gene is “tuberous sclerosis 1.”

TSC1 is the gene's official symbol. The TSC1 gene is also known by other names, listed below.

What is the normal function of the TSC1 gene?

The TSC1 gene provides instructions for producing a protein called hamartin. While the function of hamartin is not fully understood, it is known that within cells this protein interacts with another protein called tuberin. These two proteins likely function together as a protein complex that helps regulate cell growth and size. Proteins that normally prevent cells from growing and dividing too fast or in an uncontrolled way are known as tumor suppressors.

How are changes in the TSC1 gene related to health conditions?

tuberous sclerosis - caused by mutations in the TSC1 gene

More than 100 inherited mutations in the TSC1 gene have been identified in individuals with tuberous sclerosis. Most of these mutations involve either small deletions or insertions of DNA in the TSC1 gene. Some mutations create a premature stop signal in the instructions for making hamartin. These alterations produce an abnormal version of hamartin that cannot form a complex with tuberin. Loss of this protein complex causes an overgrowth of cells that grow too large and/or divide too often, resulting in noncancerous tumors in many tissues of the body.

bladder cancer - associated with the TSC1 gene

Some gene mutations are acquired during a person's lifetime and are present only in certain cells. These changes, which are called somatic mutations, are not inherited. Somatic TSC1 mutations in bladder cells have been identified in some cases of bladder cancer. In some of these cells, one copy of the TSC1 gene is missing because the region of chromosome 9 containing the gene has been deleted; the other copy of the gene has a mutation that interferes with its function. As a result, little or no hamartin is produced. A loss of hamartin in bladder cells may allow these cells to grow and divide without control, leading to the formation of a cancerous tumor.

It is unclear why inherited TSC1 mutations lead to the noncancerous growths characteristic of tuberous sclerosis, while somatic mutations in this gene are associated with the development of cancerous tumors.

other disorders - caused by mutations in the TSC1 gene

Inherited mutations in the TSC1 gene may also cause a disorder called lymphangioleiomyomatosis, although mutations in a related gene called TSC2 appear to be responsible for most cases of this disorder. This destructive lung disease is caused by the abnormal overgrowth of smooth muscle tissue in the lungs. Symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, and lung collapse. This condition can occur alone or in combination with tuberous sclerosis.

Hereditary mutations in TSC1 can also cause a disorder known as focal cortical dysplasia of Taylor balloon cell type. This disorder results from malformations of the cerebrum, the frontal part of the brain that is responsible for thinking and learning. Focal cortical dysplasia causes severe seizures (epilepsy) in affected individuals.

Where is the TSC1 gene located?

Cytogenetic Location: 9q34

Molecular Location on chromosome 9: base pairs 134,756,556 to 134,809,840

The TSC1 gene is located on the long (q) arm of chromosome 9 at position 34.

The TSC1 gene is located on the long (q) arm of chromosome 9 at position 34.

More precisely, the TSC1 gene is located from base pair 134,756,556 to base pair 134,809,840 on chromosome 9.

See How do geneticists indicate the location of a gene? in the Handbook.

Where can I find additional information about TSC1?

You and your healthcare professional may find the following resources about TSC1 helpful.

You may also be interested in these resources, which are designed for genetics professionals and researchers.

What other names do people use for the TSC1 gene or gene products?

  • hamartin
  • KIAA0243
  • LAM
  • TSC

Where can I find general information about genes?

The Handbook provides basic information about genetics in clear language.

These links provide additional genetics resources that may be useful.

What glossary definitions help with understanding TSC1?

cancer ; cell ; cerebrum ; chromosome ; deletion ; DNA ; dysplasia ; gene ; hereditary mutation ; heterozygosity ; insertion ; loss of heterozygosity ; malformation ; mutation ; protein ; sclerosis ; seizure ; somatic mutation ; symptom ; tissue ; tumor

You may find definitions for these and many other terms in the Genetics Home Reference Glossary.

References (12 links)


The resources on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Users seeking information about a personal genetic disease, syndrome, or condition should consult with a qualified healthcare professional. See How can I find a genetics professional in my area? in the Handbook.

Reviewed: January 2007
Published: January 23, 2009