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    Generate U.S. Manufacturing Waiver Request Form

  1. From the Welcome to iEdison page, select NIH to access the NIH Extramural Invention Topics page.
  2. Select Expediting Requests for Waivers of the U.S. Manufacturing Requirement to access the NIH Procedures for Requests for Waivers of the U.S. Manufacturing Requirement in Licenses to Extramural Inventions - U.S. Manufacturing Waiver Request Form page.
  3. Enter the manufacturing waiver request information, noting the following:
    • Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. The NIH Procedures for Requests for Waivers of the U.S. Manufacturing Requirement in Licenses to Extramural Inventions -Confirmation page is displayed with the information you entered filled in and an e-mail notification is submitted to the NIH.
  Field Definitions
(e.g. Dr., Ms., Rev.)

The prefix to the name of the individual submitting the waiver request.

First Name

The first name of the individual submitting the waiver request.

Middle Name The middle name or initial of the individual submitting the waiver request.
Last Name The last name of the individual submitting the waiver request.
(e.g. Jr., Nobel)
Any suffix to the name of the individual submitting the waiver request.
E-mail Address

The e-mail address of the individual submitting the waiver request. The format for this field is

Invention Report Number

The Invention Report number identifies the invention for which the waiver is requested. The Invention Report number can contain up to 18 characters. The first 7 characters, before the dash, may vary in length from 4, 5, 6, or 7 values. However, the second half (##-####) must contain values. The complete format for the field is: ##########-##-####.

Grantee/Contractor Organization

The full name of the Grantee or Contractor Organization that holds the rights to the invention for which the waiver is requested.

Grant/Contract Number

The grant or contract number of the primary agency supporting the invention for which the waiver is requested.

Invention Title

The title reflects the title of the invention for which the waiver is requested. The title must appear exactly as it appears in the Invention Report submitted to iEdison.

Invention Docket Number

The Invention Docket Number field is provided for the convenience of iEdison users as a unique identifier to help identify the invention for which the waiver is requested. The invention docket number may be any combination of numbers and letters. If an invention docket number is not provided, the iEdison system sets the value equal to the last six digits of the Invention Report number.

Discuss the significance of the technology, including the availability of alternative products, the size of intended patient populations, whether requiring U.S. manufacture will delay entry of the product into the U.S. or foreign markets, and the effect such delay may have on the U.S. and foreign public health.

Briefly summarize the significance of the technology, especially emphasizing any impact that the waiver will have on availability of the product to the U.S. public.

Identify the past marketing strategy and efforts for the technology, including the number of companies contacted, the methods used for marketing and contacting companies, the types of licenses and terms offered to potential licensees, comparison of terms offered to potential foreign licensee and those offered to U.S. companies, and the responses of companies to marketing efforts.

Explain what steps have been taken to commercialize the invention for which the waiver is requested. Explain why efforts to license the invention to a U.S. company or entity have not met with success.

Discuss the factors that make domestic manufacture not commercially feasible, including the relative costs of U.S. and foreign manufacturing, the licensee's manufacturing capabilities within the U.S. and the efforts made by to locate, develop, or contract for such manufacturing capabilities, and any other circumstances that make foreign manufacture necessary.

Explain why domestic manufacturing is not commercially feasible.

Identify the part or percentage of products arising from the invention that would be manufactured outside the U.S.

If the technology involves component manufacturing, explain what percentage of the final product will be manufactured outside the U.S.

Identify any value or benefit to the United States of licensing the technology even if it will not be manufactured in the United States, including I) the direct or indirect investment in U.S. plants or equipment, such as for marketing or packaging; ii) the creation of new or higher quality U.S.-based jobs, iii) the enhancement of the domestic skills base, iv) the further domestic development of the technology, v) a positive impact on the U.S. trade balance considering product and service exports as well as foreign licensing royalties and receipts, or vi) cross-licensing, sublicensing, and reassignment provisions in the license which seek to maximize benefits to the U.S.

Explain how the successful manufacturing of this product is to the benefit of the U.S. public.

    See Also

Generate Confirmatory License
Generate Inventor Certification Form
Generate Inventor Waiver Request Form
Generate Third Party Assignment Request



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