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Press Release

January 28, 2009

Rep. Susan Davis Votes to Create Millions of Jobs

House passes economic recovery plan developed with President Obama

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Susan Davis supported President Obama’s economic plan to create millions of American jobs in a vote in the House of Representatives.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was approved by a vote of 244-188.  Developed with the Obama Administration, this job creation package is crafted to make America more globally competitive and energy independent, and transform our economy for long-term growth. It gives 95 percent of American workers an immediate tax cut and invests quickly in the economy.

In California, more than 12 million workers will benefit from a new credit of up to $500 per worker; almost 2 million children will benefit from the Child Tax Credit Provision; 2.3 million jobless workers will get unemployment insurance provisions; and 744,000 California students will see an increase in the Federal Pell Grant Program.

“America is facing the greatest economic challenge since the Great Depression.  President Obama has set forth a vision for Americans to work together to fix our ailing economy,” said. Davis.  “Today, the House has taken the first step in delivering on the President’s vision.  This economic recovery package, while far from the perfect remedy, will help create American jobs and begin to lay a foundation for long-term growth through clean energy, innovation and education.”

The economy lost a staggering 2.6 million jobs in the last year and the unemployment rate in California has reached 9.3 percent.

“We know it will take time for the economy to rebound.  And as President Obama has said, things are likely to get worse before they get better.  But I am confident that by working with the President and the American people we can overcome these challenges,” said Davis.

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