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Origin and Evolution of Viruses (Second Edition)
Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

Edited by: Esteban Domingo, Colin R. Parrish and John J. Holland
ISBN: 978-0-12-374153-0
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Table of Contents
You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentContributors, Pages vii-x, Esteban Domingo, Colin R. Parrish, John J. Holland
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentPreface to the Second Edition, Pages xi-xii, Esteban Domingo, Colin R. Parrish, John J. Holland
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentPreface to the First Edition, Page xiii, Esteban Domingo, Colin R. Parrish, John J. Holland
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 1 - Early Replicons: Origin and Evolution, Pages 1-41, Peter Schuster, Peter F. Stadler
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document2 - Structure and Evolution of Viroids, Pages 43-64, Núria Duran-Vila, Santiago F. Elena, José-Antonio Daròs, Ricardo Flores
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 3 - Mutation, Competition, and Selection as Measured with Small RNA Molecules, Pages 65-85, Christof K. Biebricher
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 4 - Viral Quasispecies: Dynamics, Interactions, and Pathogenesis, Pages 87-118, Esteban Domingo, Cristina Escarmís, Luis Menéndez-Arias, Celia Perales, Mónica Herrera, Isabel S. Novella, John J. Holland
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 5 - Comparative Studies of RNA Virus Evolution, Pages 119-134, Edward C. Holmes
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 6 - Nucleic Acid Polymerase Fidelity and Viral Population Fitness, Pages 135-160, Eric D. Smidansky, Jamie J. Arnold, Craig E. Cameron
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 7 - The Complex Interactions of Viruses and the RNAi Machinery: A Driving Force in Viral Evolution, Pages 161-181, Ronald P. van Rij, Raul Andino
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 8 - The Role of the APOBEC3 Family of Cytidine Deaminases in Innate Immunity, G-to-A Hypermutation, and Evolution of Retroviruses, Pages 183-205, Mario L. Santiago, Warner C. Greene
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 9 - Lethal Mutagenesis, Pages 207-218, James J. Bull, Rafael Sanjuán, Claus O. Wilke
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 10 - Evolution of dsDNA Tailed Phages, Pages 219-227, Roger W. Hendrix
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 11 - More About Plant Virus Evolution: Past, Present, and Future, Pages 229-250, Adrian Gibbs, Mark Gibbs, Kazusato Ohshima, Fernando García-Arenal
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 12 - Mutant Clouds and Bottleneck Events in Plant Virus Evolution, Pages 251-258, Marilyn J. Roossinck
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 13 - Retrovirus evolution, Pages 259-277, Simon Wain-Hobson
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 14 - Intra-host Dynamics and Evolution of HIV Infection, Pages 279-301, Viktor Müller, Sebastian Bonhoeffer
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 15 - The Impact of Rapid Evolution of Hepatitis Viruses, Pages 303-349, J. Quer, M. Martell, F. Rodriguez, A. Bosch, R. Jardi, M. Buti, J.I. Esteban
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 16 - Arbovirus evolution, Pages 351-391, Kathryn A. Hanley, Scott C. Weaver
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 17 - Evolution and Variation of the Parvoviruses, Pages 393-416, Karin Hoelzer, Colin R. Parrish
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 18 - Genome Diversity and Evolution of Papillomaviruses, Pages 417-429, Hans-Ulrich Bernard
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 19 - Origin and Evolution of Poxviruses, Pages 431-446, John W. Barrett, Grant McFadden
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 20 - Molecular Evolution of the Herpesvirales, Pages 447-475, Duncan J. McGeoch, Andrew J. Davison, Aidan Dolan, Derek Gatherer, Edgar E. Sevilla-Reyes
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentChapter 21 - The Widespread Evolutionary Significance of Viruses, Pages 477-516, Luis P. Villarreal
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this documentIndex, Pages 517-533, Esteban Domingo, Colin R. Parrish, John J. Holland
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